Re: LSM anyone?

Subject: Re: LSM anyone?
From: Samuel Levis (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 10:08:29 MDT

Regarding Avnish Kumar Dwavedi's message on the LSM and future plans with it.
My name is Samuel Levis and I work with Dr. Gordon Bonan on the development of
the LSM. No new LSM will be publicly available for a while (a year or two),
because we need to test the model and perform experiments before releasing it.

Concurrently, a new land surface model (CLM) is being designed for the CCSM
(Community Climate System Model). For news on this new model please refer to

Thank you for your interest.

Sam Levis

Avnish's message...
> I am working as a research scholar in ISRO(India).My Project is 'effect of
> surface processes on the climate of the monsoon region'.for that I am
> using LSM of CCM3.
> Kindly inform me about future plans with LSM ,who else is working on
> LSM?At least give me a list of people with similar interests in LSM as
> myself.
> Kindly do the needful.
> with best regards
> Yours Sincerely
> Avnish Kumar Dwavedi
> Research Scholar
> Space Applications Centre
> Indian Space Research Organisation
> Ahemdabad-380053
> India


Samuel Levis National Center for Atmospheric Research PO Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307-3000 tel. 303 497 1627 fax. 303 497 1324

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