CCM3.6 on SUN

Subject: CCM3.6 on SUN
From: Matt Huber (
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 15:41:24 MDT

        Hi all,

        I'm trying to compile CCM3 on a sun, and having some
        problems right near the beginning with the initial make.
        I believe the trouble is in the dependency generation

        I've compiled CCM on a Sun before, but the
        OS or gmake has changed since then, I guess.

        So could someone help me out with a makefile for ccm3
        which works for SUN Ultra's?

        Our system is: SunOS 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u sparcSUNW,Ultra-5_10

        Thanks for your help! I'd be happy to pass along more info
        if necessary to resolve this issue.

        -matthew huber (UC Santa Cruz)


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