CCM3.6 on SUN

Subject: CCM3.6 on SUN
From: Anita Rodrigues de Moraes Drumond (
Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 14:52:38 MDT

 Dear Srs.,

 I'm trying to run CCM3.6 on a SunOS 5.7 sun4u sparcSUNW ULTRA=60.
 The compilation was performed without any error. So compilation process
seems to be ok.
 Although, when I try to run the model I get the following messages at the
end of the model run.
 ******* END OF MODEL RUN *******

 Note: IEEE floating-point exception flags raised:
    Inexact; Underflow;
 IEEE floating-point exception traps enabled:
    overflow; division by zero; invalid operation;
 Nonstandard floating-point mode enabled
 See the Numerical Computation Guide, ieee_flags(3M), ieee_handler(3M),

 What could it be?
 Is there any website where I can find any further information on CCM 3
run process?

 Anita Drumond
 Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico
 Universidade de Sao Paulo

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