CCM 3.6 and MPI

Subject: CCM 3.6 and MPI
From: Anita Rodrigues de Moraes Drumond (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 06:31:07 MDT

Dear Srs.,

I am trying to run CCM3.6 under MPI on a SUN 5.7 sun4u sparcSUNW,
ULTRA=60. I have installed MPICH 1.2.0. Although, when I try to run the
build.noncray_spmd.csh, I get an error message. Does anyone know if the
MPICH can be used on the CCM? Where can I find MPI to be used on?

the error message is:

f77 -o /.../run/atm addfld.o ... -L/opt/mpi/lib -lmpich -lnsl -lsocket
Undefined first referenced
 symbol in file
sigsetmask /opt/mpi/lib/libmpich.a(p4_sock_conn.o)
sigblock /opt/mpi/lib/libmpich.a(p4_sock_conn.o)
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to /.../ccm/run/atm
gmake: *** [/.../run/atm] Error 1
(I modified the option LDFLAGS in Makefile to LDFLAGS:=.... -lmpich)

What could it be?

Thank you in advance,

Anita Rodrigues de Moraes Drumond
Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico
Departamento de Ciencias Atmosfericas
Rua do Matao, 1226, Cidade Universitaria
05508-090 Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Telefone - 55 - 11 - 3818 - 4661
FAX.: - 55 - 11 - 3818 - 4714

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