Shipment of COS shirts has arrived

Subject: Shipment of COS shirts has arrived
From: Your Name (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 06:06:49 MDT

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know we have received a shipment of shirts from
Land's End. Many of you have ordered at least one shirt and they will
be available for pickup at church on Sunday, August 27. Make your
checks out to Christ Our Savior. Your cost is $26.50 or $29.50 (tall)
for each shirt. Please give payment to me so I can check you off the
list. There are a few shirts still on back order and we will expect
them in the next couple of weeks.

If you know anyone else who is interested in purchasing a shirt, I will
place another order as soon as possible. I am doing some more research
this week on styles, etc.

See you on Sunday,


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