Conveting CCM wind fields to a regular grid.

Subject: Conveting CCM wind fields to a regular grid.
From: Philip Cameron-Smith (
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 17:27:47 MDT


I want to use winds generated by CCM3 to drive a chemical tracer model
(CTM). Unfortunately, the CTM requires the winds on a regular grid, as
opposed to the Gaussian grid used by CCM3. The tricky part is that the CTM
calculates the vertical wind from the divergence of the horizontal winds
and is therefore very sensitive to small errors in the horizontal winds. In
addition, the column divergence also needs to match the surface pressure

Is there a standard tool for handling this?

There is an NCAR graphics command (g2fsh) for doing this type of grid
conversion, but does it work well enough on the winds, or does one need to
be more sophisticated in order to eliminate inconsistencies introduced by
the interpolation?

Yours truly,


+++ Philip Cameron-Smith Atmospheric Science Division +++
+++ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory +++

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