CCM3 on Beowulf SMP cluster

Subject: CCM3 on Beowulf SMP cluster
From: Chul Eddy Chung (
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 17:51:47 MST

Dear CCM3 users:

I am trying to run the cluster version of CCM3
(ccm3.10.11.brnchT.366physics.4.tar) on my Beowulf cluster computer. The system
consists of a host node (1 CPU) and 8 slave nodes (each node having 2 CPUs), thus
making a cluster of SMP machines.

The "README" file included in ccm3.10.11.brnchT.366physics.4.tar says that the
model code runs most efficient in a SMP cluster such as a cluster of IBM/SP3. The
same "README" file says that the SMP cluster running is set except for the Beowulf
cluster computer.

I can run this version of CCM3 on my Beowulf cluster as a pure MPI application
(and not combining SMP calculation on each node and MPI between slave nodes). In
an effort to take advantage of SMP cluster, I inserted "-mp" option in the
compilation of CCM3, and I got many many compilation error messages.

Has anybody tried this version of CCM3 on a Beowulf SMP cluster? If so, I would
appreciate any kind of help/suggestion. Thanks.

Chul Eddy Chung       (homepage)
Postdoc with Ramanathan, Center for Atmospheric Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography,                UCSD
Tel) 858-822-1356                      Fax) 858-534-7452

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