CCM3 questions

Subject: CCM3 questions
From: Zong-Liang Yang (
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 16:33:56 MST

Dear CCM3 users,

I appreciate help in the following questions:

1) CCM3.6 has slightly improved climatology compared to CCM3.2, right?
   Has this been documented somewhere?
   (Can anyone tell me the major differences in terms of code
    structures and physical parameterizations between 3.2 and 3.6?)

2) The climatological SSTs used in the standard NCAR simulations
   are not the averaged SSTs over the AMIP II period (1979-1998)?
   Can anyone tell me what period are the climatological SSTs referred to?

3) Can someone share with me a script for running CCM3.6 on NCAR Cray?


Zong-Liang Yang
Zong-Liang (Leon) Yang, Ph.D. E-mail:
Dept of Hydrology and Water Resources __o Phone: (520) 621-8922
P.O. Box 210011 _-\<, Fax: (520) 621-1422
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