How to run the ccm3.10.11brnchT.366physics on PC cluster

Subject: How to run the ccm3.10.11brnchT.366physics on PC cluster
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 09:12:13 MST


   Could anybody help me run the ccm3.10.11brnchT.366physics model
on my Linux PC cluster with pgroup pgf90 and mpich ?

   When I build the model using the default makefile, there are so
many errors, it seems that the mpi and netcdf library could not be
linked. So I change the Makefile , erase the -Msecond_underscore and it seems no error to build the model. But when I run it, it is wrong.
I also tried to run the model without spmd, it also get wrong. So if
there is something wrong with the -Msecond_underscore. Should I must
use this option when I build the model. How could I use the option.
I means How could I rebuild the netcdf and mpi lib so they will support it .

    Best Wishes


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