Cumulus paramaterizations in CCM3

Subject: Cumulus paramaterizations in CCM3
From: Raymond Arritt (
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 08:54:04 MST

I am interested in looking at the effects of alternate cumulus
parameterization schemes in CCM3 for some sub-tropical regions. Does
anyone know if there are other schemes available for CCM3 as alternatives
to the standard Zhang and McFarlane approach? Preferably I'd like to get a
scheme (or schemes) that someone else has already used in CCM3 and could be
merged into the model without too much re-coding.

Ray Arritt

Raymond W. Arritt tel (515) 294-9870
Professor, Department of Agronomy fax (515) 294-2619
3010 Agronomy Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 USA
e-mail: web:
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