SPMD compiling on Linux cluster...

Subject: SPMD compiling on Linux cluster...
From: Dave Flory (flory@iastate.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 13:42:12 MDT

I have been struggling to compile SPMD version of CCM3 on
a linux cluster (700Mhz, PIII's) using the Portland
Group's compilers.

We have succesfully compiled and run the serial version
using pgf77 and pgf90. For the SPMD version, I am using the pghpf
compiler with the -Mmpi flag. The errors I encounter occur
within ccmoce.F, a routine which compiles fine with the SPMD
flag turned off.

I have checked the email archives, reviewed the SPMD sections in
the user guide, as well checked the CCM-News. Unfortunately, I
found little help concerning running the model in SPMD mode
on linux. I have included the errors below as well as the Linux
section of the Makefile.

Can anyone provide a clue to what I am missing or doing incorrectly?
Should I be using a different Portland Group compiler (pgf77 or pgf90)
with different flags to handle the MPI calls?

Dave Flory


PGHPF-S-0000-Internal compiler error. size_of: bad dtype 0 (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0000-Internal compiler error. size_of: bad dtype 0 (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0000-Internal compiler error. alignment: bad dtype 0 (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0000-Internal compiler error. size_of: bad dtype 0 (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0000-Internal compiler error. size_of: bad dtype 0 (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0038-Symbol, pqover, has not been explicitly declared (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
PGHPF-S-0038-Symbol, pqdrai, has not been explicitly declared (/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.F)
  0 inform, 0 warnings, 8 severes, 0 fatal for ccmoce
gmake: *** [/scratch1/flory/CCM3/ccm/src/dom/ccmoce.o] Error 1
gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


# Linux

ifeq ($(UNAMES),Linux)
CFLAGS := $(cpp_path)
FC := pghpf
FFLAGS := $(cpp_path) -r8 -i4 -O2 -byteswapio -Mrecursive -Kieee -Mdalign -Mextend
#FFLAGS := $(cpp_path) -r8 -i4 -O2 -byteswapio -Mrecursive -Kieee -Mdalign -Mextend
#FFLAGS := $(cpp_path) -r8 -i4 -O2 -byteswapio -Msecond_underscore -Mrecursive -Kieee -Mdalign -Mextend
#LDFLAGS := -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf -L$(HOME)/lib -ltiming
LDFLAGS := /scratch0/rwarritt/netcdf/libnetcdf.a

ifeq ($(SPMD),TRUE)
FFLAGS := $(cpp_path) -r8 -i4 -O2 -I$(INC_MPI) -byteswapio -Mmpi -Mrecursive -Kieee -Mdalign -Mextend
#LDFLAGS := /usr/local/devel/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a -L$(HOME)/lib -L$(LIB_MPI) -lmpich
#LDFLAGS := /usr/local/devel/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a -L$(HOME)/lib $(LIB_MPI)/libmpich.a $(LIB_MPI)/libfmpich.a
#LDFLAGS := -Mmpi -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf
LDFLAGS := -Mmpi -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf -L$(LIB_MPI) -lmpich

David M. Flory ** "Good words are worth much, yet cost little."
Graduate student (Ph.D.)**
Physics / Geology & ** -George Herbert, English poet
Atmospheric Science **
Iowa State University ** "A cynic is a person who looks down at those above."
flory@iastate.edu **
                        ** -Source: fortune cookie

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