CCM2-BATS Problem

Subject: CCM2-BATS Problem
From: Chen Haishan (
Date: Sun May 20 2001 - 01:41:19 MDT

Dear CCM-users:
     Recently I have downloaded the NCAR CCM2 which coupled to BATs,
and successfuly tested on the PC with Fortranpower Station 4.0.
But due to speed limit,I tested CCM2-BATs on our DEC Alpha machine with F90,the model ran smoothly,Unfortrunately not produce the correct answer,the model most outputed variables seems to be good.
But TS1,TS2,TS3 are more than 350K on the land,and They increased
with the run time.
    I want to know is there anyone fimiliar with CCM2-BATs and could
you give me some information on this problem?
    Thank you very much!



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