TS/TS1 and TG confusion

Subject: TS/TS1 and TG confusion
From: Xuguang Wang (xuguang@essc.psu.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 12:12:57 MDT

Dear ccm3 users:

By looking at SEP1.T42.0198.nc and CCM3.5LSMICSEP1.0198.nc, I found that
at south pole, TS1 is 10 dgrees greater than TG. However, as the user's
guide for LSM (page 55) says, for non-vegetated surfaces, the surface
temperature TS is also the ground temperature TG. I think this statement
should apply for the south pole. Could anyone tell me why there is such a
big difference between TS1 and TG at south pole? Is TS1 the "surface
temperature" mentioned in the user's guide? If it is not, then what is

Thank you!

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