Re: Building CCM3.6.6 on SUN

Subject: Re: Building CCM3.6.6 on SUN
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 08:46:07 MDT

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Qiaozhen Mu wrote:

> Dear CCM users,
> I am trying to build the CCM3.6.6 on a SUN, an Alpha, Linux, a SGI and an IBM SP
> workstations. First I am buidling the model on a SUN workstation first. I have
> never done such things before. Because the model can be compiled on a SUN
> workstation, does this mean that I can compile the model without any modifying?
> And even no modification with the path?

To run on the IBM SP you'll want to use the CCM3.10.11_brnch_phys366 code mentioned

Since, we built the code on the platforms mentioned you shouldn't have to change
code to get it to compile. As compilers change it's still possible that there might
be small changes required however, but most likely not. However, you WILL have to
modify the build-run scripts for your environment.

Read the CCM users Guide, especially the section on how to build and run the

> When I built it on the SUN, the
> compile_log.atm reminds me the following things,
> "Command line warning: -i4 overrides integer part of -r8
> Command line warning: -i4 overrides integer part of -r8
> /tmp/fpp.05426.0.f:
> basiy:
> /tmp/fpp.05425.0.f:
> basinmat:
> "/home/staff/qiaozhen/ccm/bld/../src/lsm/basinmat.F", line 30: Error: Cannot ope
> n file
> gmake: *** [basinmat.o] Error 1
> gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs...."

This means that you don't have the path to netcdf include files in your path.
You need to find where the netCDF library is built on your system (or build it
yourself if it's not there), and then set the LIB_NETCDF and INC_NETCDF environment

New users should spend considerable time going through the Users Guide before
they try to build and run the model. The model is very complex both scientifically
and in terms of it's software engineering, it's difficult to get it to do what
you need "right out of the box".

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324
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