Re: output-files

Subject: Re: output-files
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Sat Dec 01 2001 - 07:39:22 MST

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001, Gudrun Nina Petersen wrote:

> I want to write the output files from ccm3.6.6 to a specific directory.
> Does anyone know where I set the path?
> As it is now I get all the output files in the run-directory.

This is no provision in the code to change the location of the output files
from the run-directory. You could modify the behaviour of the "mswrite"
commands in the code to copy to the directory you want rather than sending
to mass-store. You could also modify the program to use a "system" command
to move the files where you want. Or you could modify your scripts to move
the files where you want, after the main program has run. Also, you could
set it up so that your run-directory IS the specific directory you want to
send files to.

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324
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