Norman Barth (norman@aeolus.UCSD.EDU)
Thu, 7 Apr 94 18:09:22 -0700

Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 18:09:22 -0700
From: norman@aeolus.UCSD.EDU (Norman Barth)
Message-Id: <9404080109.AA11523@aeolus.UCSD.EDU>
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU
Subject: CCM2 on CRAY

Has anyone ported CCM2 to a CRAY other than the one at NCAR? Any suggestions
for a clean and simple way to avoid all the "msread" and "mswrite" etc.
calls which are particular to shavano - the NCAR Cray?

Thanks for any thoughts & suggestions,

- Norman

Norman Barth; Scripps Institution of Oceanography;
Climate Research Division, Mail Code A024, La Jolla,
CA 92093-0224; (619).534.8033 (office) 534.8561 (fax) (internet)