Experiment 422 is OK

Wan Ho Lee (whlee@marais.UCSD.EDU)
Fri, 22 Apr 94 09:06:16 -0700

Date: Fri, 22 Apr 94 09:06:16 -0700
From: whlee@marais.UCSD.EDU (Wan Ho Lee)
Message-Id: <9404221606.AA25598@marais.UCSD.EDU>
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU

Hi ccm-users,

Here are some tips.

1. History tape data.
For the first date of 'initial run', you may find the wrong values of
output data. CCM2 does not averaging by 49 (for the case of dt=30min).

And for the first date of 'restart run', you also find the wrong values
of the first date data. CCM2 does averaging by 48. It should be done by 49.

2. Perpetual Runs
Even though the manual ('Users guide') does not mention the option of
perpetual run, CCM2 codes can do this option by defining 'ANNCYC = .FALSE."
in the namelist input files.
However with this option only, you will find the wrong answer.
You need to change the diurnal averaging option to 'DODIAVG = .TRUE.' as well.
And also for the case of 'ANNCYC = .FALSE.', CCM2 does not read SST data
properly. You'd better be cautious.
Wan-Ho Lee; Scripps Institution of Oceanography;
Climate Research Division, La Jolla, CA 92093-0224;
619-534-8755 (office) 619-534-8561 (fax)
whlee@marais.ucsd.edu (internet)