Ben Foster (foster@vishnu.hao.ucar.edu)
Thu, 21 Jul 1994 17:13:54 -0600

Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 17:13:54 -0600
From: Ben Foster <foster@vishnu.hao.ucar.edu>
Message-Id: <199407212313.RAA23027@vishnu.hao.ucar.edu>
To: ccm-users@ncar.ucar.edu
Subject: NHTFRQ

Dear ccm-users:

I made a ccm2 restart continuation run for 24 hours with a 6-minute
time step (240 steps), and everything worked fine. However, I had
set namelist parm NHTFRQ=60, wanting histories only every 6 hours,
but instead it saved histories (called time samples I guess) every
hour instead. (There are 5 samples per output volume, e.g., days
0., .042, .083, .125, and .167 on h0001 corresponding to steps
0, 10, 20, 30, 40)

The headers have MHISF=10 (every hour with the 360 sec step), even
though NHTFRQ=60. Is there something I don't understand about NHTFRQ?
Is something else overriding it? How can I make it write time samples
every 60 steps instead of 10?



Ben Foster High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster@ncar.ucar.edu phone: 303-497-1595 fax: 303-497-1589
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res. P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA