From: (Gerardo Cisneros)
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Subject: 2nd announcement: 2nd UNAM-Cray Supercomputing Conference
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 19:28:22 -0500 (CDT)
Dear all,
On behalf of the organizing committee I am pleased to send you
the second announcement and call for papers for the 2nd UNAM-Cray
Supercomputing Conference.
Please note deadlines for abstract and paper submission. Your
help in circulating this announcement will be much appreciated.
-- Dr. Gerardo Cisneros |Cray Research de M'exico, S.A. de C.V. Technical Services Mgr. |Tuxpan 10-403, Col. Roma Sur |06760 M'exico, D.F. (+52+5)622-8584 |MEXICO+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | ----SECOND UNAM-CRAY SUPERCOMPUTING CONFERENCE---- | | ----------------------------------------- | | | | N U M E R I C A L S I M U L A T I O N S I N | | | | T H E E N V I R O N M E N T A L A N D | | | | E A R T H S C I E N C E S | | | | A symposium to be held in MEXICO CITY | | from June 21st through the 24th, 1995 | | | | Second Announcement and Call for Papers | | (Please post and circulate) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
Dr. Steve Cohn, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Dr. Paul Densham, Department of Geography, University College London Dr. Ismael Herrera, Instituto de Geof\'{\i}sica, UNAM Dr. Diana M. Liverman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State U. Dr. Carlos R. Mechoso, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, UCLA Dr. Julio Sheinbaum, Departamento de Oceanograf\'{\i}a F\'{\i}sica, CICESE Dr. Richard Turco, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, UCLA Dr. Thomas T. Warner, Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State U.
Dr. Eduardo Aguayo C., Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnolog\'{\i}a, UNAM Dr. Rom\'an Alvarez B., Instituto de Geograf\'{\i}a, UNAM Dr. Gerardo Cisneros S., Cray Research de M\'exico, S.A. de C.V. Dr. Enrique Daltabuit G., Direcci\'on General de Servicios de C\'omputo Acad\'emico (DGSCA), UNAM Dr. Fernando Garc\'{\i}a G., Centro de Ciencias de la Atm\'osfera, UNAM Dr. David Novelo C., Instituto de Geof\'{\i}sica, UNAM Dr. Dante J. Mor\'an Z., Instituto de Geolog\'{\i}a, UNAM Dr. Octavio Rivero S., Programa Universitario del Medio Ambiente, UNAM
The symposium is aimed at discussing the main results obtained in modeling of environmental processes during the last decade, and to explore the new trends and developments foreseen for the next few years. This will offer a unique, and much needed, forum in which researchers of different fields could gather and critically review the most recent achievements and the future trends of these branches of the environmental and earth sciences. On Saturday, June 24, participants in the symposium who wish to do so will have an open forum in the science museum, Universum, so that they can discuss environmental and earth sciences topics with the general public.
I. General Circulation Models II. Dispersion Modeling III. Geophysical Data Assimilation IV. Tomography V. Satellite Image Processing VI. Mesoscale Modeling
Invited talks: Stephen E. Cohn, "Computational Strategies for Kalman Filtering and Smoothing in Geophysical Data Assimilation" L. Neil Frazer, "Some Layered Earth Models That May Soon Be Computable" Ismael Herrera, "Domain Decomposition Methods for Model Parallelization" Diana Liverman, "Prospects and Problems in Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Environment and Society in Latin America" Thomas Loveland, [title to be announced] Carlos R. Mechoso, "A General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere-Ocean System" Julio Sheinbaum, "A High Resolution Model with Data Assimilation of the Intra-Americas Sea (Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea)" Richard Turco, "Photochemical Modeling of the Atmosphere" Thomas T. Warner, "Application of Mesoscale Meteorological Models to Environmental Problems"
Contributed talks (tentative):
L. Neil Frazer, U. of Hawaii at Manoa: "Geophysical Inversion by Statistical Physics"
Nigel J. Tapper, Environmental Climatology Group, Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University: "Air trajectory modelling in the SE Asian/Australian region: patterns and applications"
Philippe H. Martin, European Union Joint Research Centre, "Using Supercomputers to Simulate the Vegetation Response to Global Change"
Laurent Terray, CERFACS, Climate Modelling and Global Change Team, "Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modelling: Scientific and computing aspects"
Joachim Ribbe, School of Earth Sciences, The Flinders University of South Australia, "A Radiocarbon Validated Off-line Tracer Model for the Southern Ocean"
Yanching Q. Zhang, ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc., "Numerical Simulation of Dispersion Inside Street Canyons"
Gustavo Silva-Guerrero, IRICP Pilot Project, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, "A statistical model for predicting shrimp larvae availability based on deterministic models outputs"
Gustavo Silva-Guerrero, IRICP Pilot Project, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, "Deterministic models aplication on predicting shrimp larvae availability along tne Ecuadorian coastal zone"
Arlindo M. da Silva, Data Assimilation Office, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, "Goddard's Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS): Description and Applications"
E-mail submission of abstracts is strongly encouraged, organized following the standard AGU abstract format. Camera-ready abstracts in standard AGU format may also be submitted to the postal address below. Authors are encouraged to state their preference for oral or poster presentation, but the final decision will be made by the scientific committee.
Deadline for abstracts is November 30, 1994.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their contribution by January 16, 1995.
Full papers will be due by the first day of the Conference, June 21, 1995, but early submission will be appreciated, as it will speed up the review process (which will entail standard refereeing by at least two reviewers) and the publication of the proceedings. The format for the full-paper submission will be specified in the notice of acceptance.
The conference registration fee is US$300, which includes a copy of the proceedings and a ticket for the closing dinner.
A limited number of grants for partial support will be available. Please indicate if you need financial assistance before April 21, 1995.
Please fill in the following form and return by e-mail to:
+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | REGISTRATION FORM | | | | ----SECOND UNAM-CRAY SUPERCOMPUTING CONFERENCE---- | | ----------------------------------------- | | | | N U M E R I C A L S I M U L A T I O N S I N | | | | T H E E N V I R O N M E N T A L A N D | | | | E A R T H S C I E N C E S | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
Name (last, first):
E-mail address (network):
Phone: Fax:
Do you intend to present a contribution?
Yes ____ No ____
Title of contribution:
DO NOT FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT BY NOVEMBER 30, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Address: 2nd UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Conference DGSCA/UNAM Apdo. Postal 20-059 01000 Mexico, D.F. MEXICO
Electronic Mail: Fax: (+52+5) 622-8540 -----------------------------------------------------------------