CCM1 air-sea fluxes tuning

Ilya Rivin (
Thu, 27 Oct 1994 18:26:18 +0200

Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 18:26:18 +0200
From: (Ilya Rivin)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: CCM1 air-sea fluxes tuning

Dear CCM1 users:

We are trying to couple the CCM1 R15 model to a coarse (98x42x12 grid
points) global ocean model. It seems that the distributed CCM1 code
was never really tuned to have a reasonable heat flux over the ocean,
and our own experience shows that errors in this flux are quite
significant. When running the CCM1 model in a perpetual January case,
the annually averaged heat flux (average of the air-sea heat flux that
is fed into the ocean) seems much too strong, and gets to values of
+/-200watts/meter**2 over mid-latitude mid-ocean areas, and up to
-900watts/meter**2 cooling near the coast in the mid-latitude North
Pacific. The heat flux components that seem especially far from the
observed values. Atmospheric solution is otherwise reasonable.

These unacceptable fluxes prevent a successful coupling to the ocean
model, so we need to tune the air-sea fluxes in CCM1. Does anybody
have an experience in tuning the CCM1 model to have more realistic
heat flux in the ocean? Any details would be greatly appreciated.


Ilya Rivin
Department of Environmental Sciences
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, 76100. ISRAEL.
FAX: 972-8-344124; TEL: 972-8-342543