Global Grid Map

ameko agbeli k. (
Thu, 22 Dec 94 19:47:38 -0700

Date: Thu, 22 Dec 94 19:47:38 -0700
From: "ameko agbeli k." <>
Message-Id: <9412230247.AA98205@gamma>
Subject: Global Grid Map

HI, I am a new subscriber to this list and a new NCAR user. The first
thing I want to do seems pretty simple, but I do not see it in the on
line documentation. This cray has version 3.2. I want to get a picture
of the globe with the continents etc on it, but I want it in a postscript
format so that I can use idraw to edit it. Is their a way to just get a
plain gid map of the earth with mo data on it so that I can get it in
a format, like postscript, to edit in my stuff for diagraming purposes?
If anyone has some suggestions or ideas please let me know. THANKS :)

Have A Great Holiday
Agbeli Ameko