Using idl to view history tapes

Gordon Carrie (
Thu, 6 Jul 1995 19:41:37 -0600

Message-Id: <v01510100ac223fdce849@[]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 19:41:37 -0600
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU
From: (Gordon Carrie)
Subject: Using idl to view history tapes

For idl users: I have written several idl procedures to extract fields
from ccm2 history tapes. They automatically adjust to any resolution and
field list, including tapes with initial and boundary conditions. Since
idl can create files in various formats (HDF, netCDF, ieee-unformatted,
etc), they should be useful for putting fields of interest into your
favorite format. I have tested them on IBM and DEC alpha. Email me if you
are interested.

Gordon Carrie
CSRP, Dept. of Meteorology, Texas A&M