Re: your mail

Charlie Zender (zender@flamenco.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Thu, 10 Aug 1995 13:11:10 -0600 (MDT)

From: zender@flamenco.cgd.ucar.EDU (Charlie Zender)
Message-Id: <199508101911.NAA04357@flamenco.cgd.ucar.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
To: fan@javelina.UWYO.EDU (Dongbin Fan)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 13:11:10 -0600 (MDT)
In-Reply-To: <9508092257.AA01687@javelina.Uwyo.EDU> from "Dongbin Fan" at Aug 9, 95 04:57:42 pm

> I'm currently looking at the ccm2 monthly average output parameters VT(meridional heat transport),
>and VZ(meridional ennergy transport). My question is, I have difficulty finding out where and how
>the fluxes are processed. I was also wondering how other parameters (eg. T,U,V,etc.) in
>the history buffer are averaged during the monthly period.


try looking in linems.F for the code that computes VT (the T,U,V
fields are also sent to the history buffer here), and look in outfld.F
for the code that aggregates it (i'm not sure which routine divides
the aggregate by the number of time steps in the averaging period, but
this is a good place to start looking).

the code for VT in linems.F is inside a test for monthly averaging,
and will look like the following:

if (ninavg(1).eq.'Q') then
C Compute major meridional energy transports vT vq vv+uu
do k=1,plev
do i=1,plon
ftem(i,k) = v3m1(i,k)*t3m1(i,k)
end do
end do
call outfld('VT ',ftem ,plond,lat,hbuf)
end if ! ninavg(1).eq.'Q'

good luck,

Charlie Zender                Tel: (303) 497-1612 
NCAR/CGD/CMS Rm ML-320        FAX: (303) 497-1324
P.O. Box 3000       
Boulder CO 80307-3000