reading CCM2 history files

Norman Barth (
Fri, 18 Aug 1995 16:37:09 -0700

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 16:37:09 -0700
From: Norman Barth <>
Message-Id: <>
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU
Subject: reading CCM2 history files

Last year I made available via anonymous ftp fortran source code which
would read CCM2 history files. Since then two disk crashes have destroyed
these files.

I am sure some of you out there picked up copies of these files.

If you still have copies of the original distribution, I'd be grateful
if you could put a copy in the transfer directory on my current anonymous
ftp server:

Many thanks,

- Norman

Norman Barth (619).534.8087 (office)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 534.8561 (fax)
Climate Research Division, Mail Code A024 (internet)
La Jolla, CA 92093-0224, USA (url)