Re: SUN requirements

Gerhard Gross (
Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:48:46 -0700

Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:48:46 -0700
From: (Gerhard Gross)
Message-Id: <>

> I have CCM3 running with low resolution on a SUN SPARC 20 running SOLARIS v.
> 2.5. What are the memory requirements for this platform to get it to run
> with high resolution (t42)? When I run the t42, I get a "segmentation
> fault" error part way through a one day run.
> Shari,

As the Email from NCAR mentioned, using the 'ulimit' or 'unlimit' UNIX
utility should allow you to increase the stack size beyond the default
of 8MB. I did this on our SUN Ultra running Solaris 2.5 (bash shell):

"$ ulimit -s unlimited"

If you are using a different shell you may have to use a slightly
different command sequence. Check your man pages for the correct
way to do this. This command applies to the current running shell only.
This means that if you logout then log back in you have to run the "ulimit"
command over again. I put the command in my ".bashrc" file so this happens

My system process management tool indicates that T31 uses about 20MB of
stack space and about 80MB of heap space, totaling about 100MB of RAM.
According to my rough calculations the T42 case requires at least 1.8
times as much RAM. Even though our SUN has 256MB of RAM, it doesn't run
T42 without much swapping (very slow) because other system processes
are using a good chunk of the 256MB for their own needs.
We need more RAM to run T42 without swapping.

Best wishes.
Gerhard Gross

---- If you walk in the jungle don't act like prey! ----

Gerhard W. Gross
Global Change Research Center or
Portland State University