RE: program for convertion

Subject: RE: program for convertion
From: Ghan, Steven J (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 15:22:44 MST


I've writen a program to read ecmwf data in netcdf format, interpolate to
the ccm grid, and write a netcdf initial condition file for ccm3. You can
use grads/grib utilities to convert NCEP grib files to netcdf format. You
can adapt my program to read the ncep fields from the netcdf file.

There may be a more direct way, but you'd have to know more about grib
format than I care to learn.

-Steve Ghan

-----Original Message-----
From: Ana Gusmao []
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 8:06 AM
Subject: program for convertion

   Is There any way that I get a
   program to convert the analysis data
   of NCEP into initial condition for
   the CCM3 ?

   If I am not able to get this kind of
   software I will have to give up
   the use of CCM3.

   Thanks in advance,

   Ana M G C Rocha
   University of Sao Paulo

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