branch run | A type of continuation run of the CCM. A branch run starts a new case using the restart files from a previous model run. |
case | A term used to denote a model experiment, including one initial run and as many continuation runs as required to conclude the experiment. A model case is cataloged using the CASEID namelist variable, which appears in word 1 of the character (second) history file header record. |
CCM | Community Climate Model; one of a series of codes produced at NCAR for use in making climate predictions. |
CCM Processor | A program available from the CCM Core Group which post-processes CCM history files on the NCAR computing system. Currently it is available, but not supported (Buja, 1992). |
ccm2nc | CCM to netCDF history file converter program. Reads in a CCM history file and outputs an equivalent netCDF file. |
CSM | Climate System Model. |
cpp | C preprocessor. |
continuation run | A type of run that uses a restart file from a previous run to initialize the data fields (no initial dataset is read). Restart and branch runs are each possible types of a continuation run. |
distributed memory | Multi-processing on multiple CPU's using the SPMD programming model. |
DOM | Data Ocean Model. Ocean component of stand-alone CCM that reads in SST information from an input dataset. |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform. |
gzip | GNU decompression utility similar to UNIX uncompress. Takes a file and inflates it to it's full size so that it can be used. Files are compressed to save disk space and save on network file transfer times. |
header file | A file containing common blocks and variable declarations and named with a ".h" suffix (e.g. comhst.h). |
heap | Memory that is dynamically allocated by the system. Unlike stack memory, heap memory can be allocated or de-allocated at any point during program execution. |
history file | A binary dataset that is the primary output for field values generated by the model during the course of a time integration. |
LSM | Land Surface Model |
MSS | The NCAR Mass Store System. |
multitasked | A program configured to execute on more than one central processor simultaneously. |
netCDF | Network Common Data Format. Self describing, platform independent binary data format (created by UNIDATA). |
out-of-core | Refers to the use of secondary storage instead of main memory. |
packing | A process optionally applied to output history file data, which compresses the values according to a specified density. Data can be packed either 2, or 4 to 1. |
pcnst | Number of advected constituents carried in the model. |
plat | Number of Gaussian latitudes on the transform grid. |
plev | Number of vertical model levels. |
plon | Number of longitudes on the transform grid |
MPI | Message Passing Interface. A standardized library for distributed memory parallel processing. |
restart run | A type of continuation run of the CCM. A restart run continues a previous run from its point of termination, by reading most recent restart |
single-threaded | Parallel-processing term. Refers to code that executes on only one processor. |
SDS | Secondary Data Segment, a file management method available via UNICOS software for use on the SSD. |
shared-memory | Parallel-processing term. Refers to using a machine where multiple CPU's share the same memory. |
SLT | Semi-Lagrangian Transport. |
SOM | Slab Ocean Model. |
SPMD | Single Program Multiple Data. |
SSD | Solid-State Storage Device, a very high-performance secondary storage device. |
stack | Memory local to a subroutine or function. |
transform grid | A grid used to evaluate all nonlinear and diabatic forcing terms in physical space. |
Questions on these pages can be sent to... erik@ucar.edu .