Previous Section Headers
Appendix C: Model Error Messages
All errors trapped by CCM3.6 result in a printed message starting with
the name of the subroutine of origin. The following is an alphabetical
list of these messages, along with an explanation for each. All errors
are fatal unless otherwise stated. Where possible, a suggested course of
action is included.
AO error: n_ovr= mm exceeded mx_ovr = nn,
for output lon,lat = ii jj
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
AO_I error: area not conserved for lon,lat = ii jj
sum of overlap weights = nn
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
BASININI fatal error: discrepancy in land points
expecting mm points but found nn
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
BILIN: Failed to find interp values
The bilinear interpolation routine was unable to find input array
values between which it could interpolate. This is an internal error
which should never occur. If it does, a message to
may be in order.
BILIN: Input x-grid must be between 0 and
Input grid for longitude interpolation has coordinate values outside
0-360 degree range. This is required because longitudinal periodicity
is assumed.
BILIN: Insane dxinwrap value = mm avg=nn
Input grid is assumed to be periodic in the longitudinal direction.
This error results when the delta-x computed between the last longitude
and the first longitude is vastly different than the average intermediate
values. Solution: define longitude input and output grids such that
the delta-x is periodic.
BILIN: Must have at least 2 input points for
Input array to be bi-linearly interpolated must have at least 2 points
in longitude, and 2 points in latitude.
BILIN: Non-monotonic coordinate array(s) found
Coordinate arrays for interpolation must increase monotonically. Check
input arrays.
BILIN: No overlap in y-coordinates
Error in the latitudinal coordinate of the input arrays to routine
bilin. These coordinates must have some overlap for interpolation. Check
input and output array coordinates.
BILIN: No overlap in x-coordinates
Error in the longitudinal coordinate of the input arrays to routine
bilin. These coordinates must overlap for interpolation. Check input and
output array coordinates.
BILIN: nn of N/S output grid will have
to be extrapolated
The interpolated-to array is larger than the
interpolated-from array. Some percentage of the output array will be extrapolated.
This is a non-fatal error.
BILIN: Output x-grid must be between 0 and
Output grid for longitudinal interpolation has coordinate values outside
of 0-360 degree range. The periodicity assumption is why the 0-360
range is a requirement.
BILIN: something bad in indices or weights
This is an internal error which should never occur.
BLDFLD: Too many fields -- pflds,if=nn mm
Only pflds words of space are allocated for arrays carrying
field information. If you have added fields, you must increase pflds
accordingly in pagrid.h.
BLDFLN: maximum output file number exceeded
The maximum number of output history files is 9999. Once the history
tape file numbers exceed 9999 the run can't continue. If you need a simulation
to go beyond that point, continue the run as a branch run.
BNDDYI: Bad month index = mm
The input month number mm (from a boundary dataset) was not
between 1 and 12.
BNDDYI: bad day of year = dd
The input day number dd (from a boundary dataset) was not between
1 and 365.
CALENDR: Invalid base day of base date input: dd
The input day number (from the initial dataset or from NNBDAT
in the namelist) was not valid for the input month.
CALENDR: Invalid base month input: mm
The input month number (from the initial dataset or from NNBDAT
in the namelist) was not between 1 and 12.
CALENDR: Invalid base seconds(mbsec): ss
The input number of seconds (from the initial dataset or from NNSBAS
or NNBSEC in the namelist) was not valid.
CCM3: ieee trapping not supported here
The code is compiled for an architecture that does not support IEEE
error handling. If you are *not* running on a SUN machine make sure that
#define SUN is not set in the params.h file
CCM3: cpp token CRAY is defined but PVP is not.
PVP must be defined for optimal performance on this
architecture. If you really want to run this way,
delete the stop 999 statement in ccm3.F
Self explanatory
CELL_BOX error: lat grid type mm not supported
Internal algorithmic error which should never occur.
CELL_BOX error: lon grid type nn not supported
Internal algorithmic error which should never occur.
CELL_EDGE error: lat grid type mm not supported
Internal algorithmic error which should never occur.
CELL_EDGE error: lon grid type nn not supported
Internal algorithmic error which should never occur.
CHEMINI: Error in horizontal interpolation
Error occurred when trying to horizontally interpolate the input tracer
data to the model latitudes.
CHEMINI: Error in vertical interpolation
Error occurred when trying to vertically interpolate the input tracer
data to the model levels.
CHEMINI: error when cycling data:1st month must be 1
Error in input tracer data: first month must be 1.
CHEMINI: error when cycling data:last month must be 12
Error in input tracer data: last month must be 12.
CHEMINI: Failed to find dates bracketing mcdate, mcsec= yymmddss
The model integration time does not fall between available dates on
the input tracer dataset.
CHEMINI: Failed to open file filename
I/O error while opening a file for writing. Usually indicative of
a problem with the file system. Make sure you haven't surpassed any local
disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
CHEMINI: latsiz=ll must = ptrlat=nn
Tracer dataset does not have number of latitudes specified in header
file comchem.h. Modify comchem.h accordingly.
CHEMINI: levsiz= ll must = ptrlev=nn
Tracer dataset does not have number of levels specified in header
file comchem.h. Modify comchem.h accordingly.
CHEMINI: longitude dependence not implemented
Tracer dataset is currently assumed to have no longitudinal dependency.
CHEMINI: lonsiz= xx must = ptrlon=yy
Tracer dataset does not have number of longitudes specified in header
file comchem.h. Modify comchem.h accordingly.
CHEMINI: timsiz=xx must = ptrtim=yy
Tracer dataset does not have number of time samples specified in header
file comchem.h. Modify comchem.h accordingly.
CHEMINT: Attempt to access bad month
The model integration time does not fall between available dates on
the input tracer dataset.
CHEMINT: Bad fact1 and/or fact2=xx yy
Error interpolating to a daily value. The interpolation factors do
not agree to within 32 bit round-off.
CHEMINT: Input data for date yymmdd
does not exceed model date yymmdd sec ss Stopping.
Model time does not coincide with dates for chemical loss rate data.
Check namelist date variable.
CMPLR: Entered with incorrect dimension NC=nn
Subroutine CMPLR was entered with a dimension for the upper
Hessenberg matrix which is less than or equal to zero.
CMPLR: Failed to converge in mm iterations Eigenvalue=nn
The algorithm that computes the Gaussian weights has failed to converge
in mm iterations. The user can increase the number of iterations
that the algorithm performs by increasing the value of the local variable
COURLIM: Courant limit exceeded at k,j= kk jj (estimate
= eee.eee), solution has been truncated to wavenumber nn ***
The CFL limit has been exceeded. Therefore the high-frequency end
of the spectrum has been truncated at the level specified by namelist variable
KMXHDC. Not a fatal error.
CUBYDR: Departure point out of bounds: jcen, icount,pgls= ll
mm nn
This is an indication that the model is in the process of blowing
up. Check that namelist variable DTIME is appropriate for
the resolution.
DADADJ: No convergence in dry adiabatic adjustment
Model has entered a non-physical state. User will have to analyze
state variables at the latitude and longitude given in the error message.
DADADJ: Convergence criterion doubled to EPS= nn.nnnn for DRY CONVECTIVE
ADJUSTMENT at Lat,Lon= ii jj
Nonfatal error - dry convective adjustment algorithm has failed to
converge within the default convergence limit given the current state of
the model. The convergence criterion will be doubled and the algorithm
will repeat the convergence tests.
DATA: Namelist variable CASEID must be set
The case-id must be defined via the namelist parameter CASEID.
DATA: Cannot find LOGNAME environment variable
This error would indicate a system problem, since $LOGNAME
is a system environment variable.
DATA: Cannot find HOME environment variable
This error would indicate a system problem, since $HOMEDIR
is a system environment variable.
DATA: For BRANCH run, NREVSN must be a full pathname.
Because the case name changes on a branch run, the user must specify
the full pathname for NREVSN.
DATA: Invalid averaging flag input for tape t Flag = F
NINAVG must be one of the following: A averaged
I instantaneous M minimum X maximum NINAVG(1)
may also be equal to Q for a monthly average
Invalid averaging flag input for tape t
Flag = F
Monthly average only allowed for history file 1
Monthly averaging can only be performed on the primary history file.
DATA: Error, model not designed to run multi-constituents while
running the idealized dynamical core of the model. For "idealdyn = .true.",
set pcnst=1 and pnats=0.
If namelist variable IDEALDYN is set to true, be sure that
pcnst and pnats (found in header file params.h)
are set to 1 and 0, respectively.
DATA: Invalid packing density n
Packing density NDENS must be between 1 and 4.
DATA: iradae must be an even multiple of iradlw. iradae = ii
iradlw = jj
The absorptivity/emissivity calculation must fall on a long-wave radiation
DATA:KMXHDC must be between 0 and plev-1
KMXHDC, an input variable, is the number of levels over which
to apply the Courant limiter.
DATA: Must input either nestep or nelapse
The user must specify an ending time for the model run.
DATA: Must specify non-zero nhtfrq
The history file write frequency for one of the declared history files
is zero.
DATA:***NOTE: Extra overhead invoked putting a/e numbers on restart
dataset*** To avoid, make mod(nhtfrq,iradae) = 0
Not an error. There will be a restart file generated for absorptivity/emissivity
values since the history file write does not necessarily occur on an absorptivity/emissivity
timestep, as defined by IRADAE.
DATA: Starting file number (stfnum) too large. Max = 9999. Stfnum
= ssss
Output file numbering starts at STFNUM, which must not be
larger than the largest allowable number (4 digits).
DATA: The namelist variables INCORHST,INCORRAD,INCORBUF must be
.TRUE. for a SPMD run.
The user has declared INCORHST, INCORRAD, and/or
INCORBUF to be false in the namelist. All three namelist variables
must be true for an SPMD run.
DATA: The regeneration option is no longer available
CCM3 no longer supports regeneration of history files. History files
can be recreated by making a branch run from a restart file. Valid
values for namelist variable NSREST are 0, 1, or 3.
DATA: the value of NREFRQ must be 1 or 0
Resetting NREFRQ to 1
The namelist variable NREFRQ determines whether restart files
will be written. It can assume a value of 0 (no restart files) or 1 (restart
files written.).
DATA: Too many auxiliary files declared.
The user has declared more than ptapes auxiliary history
files via the input variable AUXF. Users who want more
than 5 auxiliary files must increase ptapes in
DATA: ************* Warning *********** Namelist variable NREFRQ
is invalid for averaging. Use MRESFQ to adjust restart
The user must use namelist variable MRESFQ to request mid-month
restarts on a monthly average run.
DECOMP: Latitude decomposition failed for NPES=nn, lat=ll
Check to make sure the number of latitudes is greater than or equal
to the number of processors. Only applies to the SPMD message passing version
of CCM3.
DECOMP: npes(mm) must be <= plat(nn)
When CCM3.6 is configured to run in distributed-memory
(SPMD) mode, the maximum number of processes is the same as the number
of Gaussian latitudes. Solution: set environment variable NPES
to be no higher than the number of Gaussian latitudes.
DECOMP: Number of procs( nn ) must
be a multiple of 2
When CCM3.6 is configured to run in SPMD mode,
the number of processes (defined by environment variable NPES)
must be even.
DECOMP: Ran out of work to parcel to processors
An internal algorithmic problem has occurred
in the message-passing implementation. Contact
DECOMP: Something wrong in computation of
northern/southern neighbors
An internal algorithmic problem has occurred
in the message-passing implementation. Contact
DECOMP: Workleft not zero. Value is ii
An internal algorithmic problem has occurred
in the message-passing implementation. Contact
DRAINBAS: nlon_i and nlon_ncd do not match
nlon_i = mm nlon_ncd = nn
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
DRAINBAS: nlat_i and nlat do not match
nlat_i = mm nlat_ncd = nn
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
DRAINBAS: total weight of zero encountered
(DRAINBAS): io,jo = ii jj
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
DRAINBAS: normalization incorrect
(DRAINBAS): io,jo = ii jj
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
FACTOR: nn has a prime factor other than 2, 3,or 5. Aborting...
Only applies to SPMD. Due to FFT constraints the number of latitudes
must have no prime factors other than 2,3, or 5.
FACTOR: Problem size is not divisible by 2
When running the message passing version of CCM3, the number of latitudes
must be an even number.
FLDLST: cant find auxiliary field fieldname
Input namelist variable AUXF requested a field not in the
Master Field List.
FLDLST: exceed number of auxil. fields ii
Too many auxiliary fields specified in namelist
variable AUXF. Increase Fortran parameter pflds.
FLDLST: exceed number of history fields ii
Too many history fields specified. Increase
Fortran parameter pflds.
FLDLST: Too many fields for all history files (primary and auxillary)
-- pflds,kfld=ii,jj
Too many history fields specified. Increase Fortran parameter
FREEMEM: Bad return code = errcode from hpdeallc: Abort [Message]
Cray library routine hpdeallc encountered an error while attempting
to return dynamically-allocated memory.
GAUAW: Error exit, no convergence in 10 iterations
The iterative technique to find abscissas for the Gaussian integration
failed to converge in 10 tries. Check that epsilon (gauaw local
variable eps) is consistent with machine precision.
GESTBL:FATAL ERROR******************************** TMAX AND TMIN
The gestbl procedure requires that the parameter plenest
(in eslookup.h) be greater than or equal to -- tmax - tmin
+ 2 (where tmin and tmax are set in esinti).
Reset parameter plenest to satisfy this condition.
GETAVU: Ran out of fortran unit numbers
CCM3 is only capable of using 99 unit numbers for open files. If the
user has added additional calls to navu or getavu then
they must make sure all units are freed (call to relunit) when
those same Fortran files are closed.
(GETFIL): failed cmd= commandstring
A shell command failed. The command attempted is printed out.
(GETFIL): local filename has zero length
An input pathname must include an actual filename.
GETMEM: Bad return code = errcode from hpalloc: Abort [Message]
Cray routine hpalloc encountered an error while attempting
to dynamically allocate memory. Solution: increase memory limit (
#QSUB -lm if running in batch mode on a Cray PVP machine).
GETUNIT: Unit uu is in use. Pick another one
User is trying to assign a unit which is already in use. Make sure
the unit is free.
GFFGCH:FATAL ERROR ****************************** TRANSITION RANGE
VALUE OF 40.0 DEGREES C TR = ffff.ff
This routine assumes that the maximum size of the transition region
for calculating saturation vapor pressure over water and saturation vapor
pressure over ice is 40 degrees C. The variable trice in esinti
must be set to be less than or equal to 40 to avoid this error.
GETUNIT: Unit uu is in use. Pick another one
Requested Fortran unit number has already been assigned.
HERXIN: Fatal error: ppdy must be set to 4
parameter ppdy in parslt.h must be set to
4 for the semi-Lagrangian code to run properly.
(HISTCRTINI): number initial history fields > maximum allowed
Number of LSM initial dataset fields is greater than LSM parameter
malflds set in lsmpar.h.
(HISTCRTTC): number time constant history fields > maximum allowed
Number of LSM time constant dataset fields is greater than LSM parameter
malflds set in lsmpar.h.
histlst error: attempting to change field type for field = field
to inaccurate type = nn. Valid types are: aa,bb,cc,dd
Attempting to use non-supported field type for output field. Modify
namelist input.
histlst error: number fields > maximum allowed
Number of total output fields greater than parameter malflds
in header file lsmpar.h. Increase malflds.
histlst error: number single-level fields maximum allowed
Number of single-level -output fields greater than parameter mslflds
in header file lsmpar.h. Increase mslflds.
histlst error: number multi-level fields maximum allowed
Number of multi-level -output fields greater than parameter mmlflds
in header file lsmpar.h. Increase mmlflds.
histnam error: nyr = yyyy is 9999
Year number in LSM history file name (for monthly averaged files)
is greater than 9999.
histnam error: nfil = filenumber is 99999
File number in LSM history file name (for monthly averaged files)
is greater than 9999.
histtc error: number single-level fields maximum allowed
Number of single-level -output fields greater than parameter mslflds
in header file lsmpar.h. Increase mslflds.
histtc error: number multi-level fields maximum allowed
Number of multi-level -output fields greater than parameter mmlflds
in header file lsmpar.h. Increase mmlflds.
(HISTWRT): could not match single level 1d flds
(HISTWRT): 1d field name : filename
In trying to write out 1d fields, requested field name does not match
any output fields. Modify LSM namelist accordingly.
(HISTWRT): could not match multi level 1d flds
In trying to write out 1d fields, requested field name does not match
any output fields. Modify LSM namelist accordingly.
HYCOEF: A and/or B vertical level coefficients at full levels are
not the arithmetic mean of half-level values
This is a non-fatal error. However, it may imply the input data-set
has been corrupted or incorrectly created.
INIDAT: Attribute length of from_hires is too long
Attribute length of initial dataset netCDF variable from_hires
cannot be greater than 256.
INIDAT: Bad number of dims or ordering on 2-d fld
Dimensions of initial dataset fields must be ordered lon,lev,lat
for multi level fields and lon,lat for single level fields.
INIDAT: tracer units for tracer = tracername must be in KG/KG
Ensure that any tracers being read from an initial conditions dataset
are in these units.
INITAL: the regeneration file size is too small: Maximum file size
(mxszrg): nn Size of a latitude record: mm
The maximum restart file size as defined by the namelist variable
mxszrg is declared too small (default size 380 Mb). The user must
set the MXSZRG namelist variable to a larger size ( size of a
latitude record).
INITAL: Failed to open file filename
I/O error while opening a file for writing. Usually indicative of
a problem with the file system. User should make sure they haven't surpassed
any local disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
INITAL: too many primary [secondary] regeneration files required:
Maximum number of files (pnrg1[2]) = ii
Maximum size of files (mxszrg) = jj
Actual number of files required = kk
Actual size of latitude record = ll
Number of latitudes per file = mm
Either the parameter pnrg1[pnrg2] in /comlun/ must
be increased to the actual number of files required, or the maximum size
of each restart file (MXSZRG) must be increased. MXSZRG
may be set via the namelist.
INITCOM:mmax=ptrm+1 .gt. plon/2
The spectral resolution parameters are inconsistent.
INITEXT: Att length of from_hires is too long
Attribute length of initial dataset netCDF variable from_hires
cannot be greater than 256.
INITEXT: Failed to open file filename
I/O error while opening a file for writing. Usually indicative of
a problem with the file system. User should make sure they haven't surpassed
any local disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
INITEXT: Initial sicthk doesnt match oro
The sea ice thickness data on the initial boundary dataset is inconsistent
with the ice points defined by the oro field also on the initial
boundary dataset. The user should verify that the initial boundary dataset
is correct.
INITINDXF: ending advected tracer index ii not equal to pcnst
= jj
total number of advected tracers must equal pcnst. Recheck
namelist settings for NSUR_ADV and pcsnt setting.
INITINDXF: ending non-advected tracer index ii not equal
to pcnst+pnats = jj
The total number of non-advected tracers must equal pnats.
Recheck namelist settings for NSUR_NAD and PNATS setting.
INTHT: call to assign command failed
Call to external routine assign encountered a problem.
INTHT: Too many history files declared, max= nn To increase,
change parameter ptapes.
ptapes defaults to 6, including the primary history file.
INTHT: Unable to open file sunit: ios= errcode
An error status was returned from trying to open unit sunit
for direct access on the SSD.
iostop uses system software to interpret I/O errors. Errors
handled by iostop will be identified by subroutine name.
LAGYIN: Departure point out of bounds: jcen,icount,pgls=
ii jj kk
This is an indication that the model is in the process of blowing
up. Check that namelist variable DTIME is appropriate for
the resolution.
LAGYIN: Error: ppdy .ne. 4
The parameter ppdy in parslt.h must be set
to 4 for the semi-Lagrangian code to run properly.
landtyp errors: Last one is lsm surface type = nn is undef for
lon,lat = ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
nn landtyp errors: Last one is olson surface type = nn is undef
for lon,lat = ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
landtyp error: lsm surface type = nn is not valid for lon,lat
= ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
landtyp error: fland = land. lsm = nn for lon,lat = ii
This is an internal error which should never occur.
landtyp error: fland = ocean. lsm = nn for lon,lat = ii
This is an internal error which should never occur.
landwat error: lake = ii and wetland = jj are greater
than 100 for lon,lat = ii jj
Printed error should not be greater than round-off.
LIMDX: Local work array DELI not dimensioned large enough. Increase
local parameter pbpts to nn
This is an internal error which should never occur.
LINEMSBC: WARNING: fixer for tracer ii
exceeded rr for jj points at k,lat = kk,ll Avg/Worst
= ss
The global conservation fixer is not allowed to modify constituent
values by more than a specified threshold. This prevents the fixer
from introducing unreasonable local fluctuations. However, global
conservation is no longer maintained.
LININTERP: Failed to find interp values
The linear interpolation routine was unable to find input array values
between which it could interpolate. This is an internal error which
should never occur. If it does, a message to may
be in order.
LININTERP WARNING: rr % of output grid
will have to be extrapolated
The interpolated-to array overlaps the interpolated-from array.
Thus, some percentage of the output array will be extrapolated. This
is a non-fatal error.
LININTERP: Point found without interp indices
This is an internal error which should never occur. Contact
LININTERP: Must have at least 2 input points for interpolation
Input array to be linearly interpolated must have at least 2 points.
Check input arrays.
LININTERP: Non-monotonic coordinate array(s) found
Coordinate arrays for interpolation must increase monotonically. Check
input arrays.
LIMDX: Local work array DELI not dimensioned large enough Increase
local parameter pbpts to iiiii
The parameter pbpts, local to subroutine limdx,
must be increased to the value of pidim.
lsmctli error: must set dtime
LSM value for DTIME obtained from atmospheric component is
not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nestep
LSM value for NESTEP obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nnbdat
LSM value for NNBDAT obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nnbsec
LSM value for NNBSEC obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nndbas
LSM value for NNDBAS obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nnsbas
LSM value for NNSBAS obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nrevsn in namelist for branch run
LSM value for NREVSN obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must set nsrest
LSM value for NSREST obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
lsmctli error: must specify case
LSM value for CASEID obtained from atmospheric component
is not correct. Check namelist input.
LSMRDINIT: lonsiz= ll must equal lsmlon= jj
Number of longitudes on LSM input data must equal number of LSM grid
longitudes (see lsmpar.h).
LSMRDINIT: latsiz= ll must equal lsmlat= jj
Number of latitudes on LSM input data must equal number of LSM grid
latitudes (see lsmpar.h).
LSMRDINIT: levsiz= ll must equal msl= jj
Number of soil layers on LSM input data must equal number of LSM soil
layers (see lsmpar.h).
LSMRDINIT: bassiz= ll must equal ndrnmax= jj
Maximum number of drainage basins on LSM input dataset must equal
number set in basinpar.h.
(LSMRDINIT): time invariant data must be ordered lon, lat, time
Self explanatory.
(LSMRDINIT): drngarea data must be ordered lon, lat, time
Self explanatory.
(LSMRDINIT): drngarea data must be ordered basin, lon, lat, time
Self explanatory.
(LSMRDINIT): incompatibility between calculated and input kpt
input kpt = kk
calculated kpt = ll
Number of subgrid points on initial LSM dataset does not match that
expected by LSM.
(LSMRDREST_DYN): incompatibility in lsm and ccm restart dates
nbstep from ccm = nnnnn
nbstep from lsm = nnnnn
The LSM restart file and the CCM restart file are for different
dates. The dates of these two files must agree exactly. This either means
that the NREVSN namelist item is different for LSM than CCM, or that
the dates for the files pointed to by the restart pointer file is
LSMTCI fatal error: discrepancy in subgrid points
expecting ii points but found jj
Internal error in the LSM consistency check for the number of subgrid
points. This error should never occur.
LSMTCI fatal error: weights do not sum to 1
lon = ii lat = jj :sum = kk
Internal error. The LSM subgrid weights should sum to 1 for each land
cell. This error should never occur.
LUNITS: call to assign cmd failed
LUNITS:Unable to open file uu: ios= errcode
Error status errcode was returned when opening unit
uu for direct access.
map_i error srf = lsm: srf field not conserved
global sum lsm field = aa
global sum srf field = bb
Dataset inconsistency. Should never occur if the supported datasets
are used.
MCUTS: Workleft not zero. Value is ii
This is an internal error to the part of the SPMD implementation which
parcels out spectral space work to individual processes. The error should
never occur.
msspni error: logname not defined
LSM error in obtaining user logname from LOGNAME environment
msspni error: mass store file
LSM could not define MSS pathname correctly.
NAVU:Ran out of Fortran unit numbers
Routine navu cannot find an unused logical unit number between
1 and 99.
NCDERR: ERROR in file filename: error
General error reading in the given netCDF file. The error string
gives more details as to the nature of the problem.
(orb_params) Have to specify orbital parameters!'
Either set: iyear_AD, or obliq, eccen, and mvelp:
iyear_AD is the year to simulate the orbit for (ie. 1950):
obliq, eccen, mvelp specify the orbit directly:
The AMIP II settings (for a 1995 orbit) are:
obliq = 23.4441
eccen = 0.016715
mvelp = 102.7
The orbital parameters are required namelist items, you have to set
either IYEAR_AD or the parameters: OBLIQ,
ECCEN, and MVELP. See Table
2.5 or Example 4 for more details on the orbital
(orb_params): Input obliquity unreasonable:nn
The namelist value entered for obliquity is outside the reasonable
range of the variable. Change your namelist and rerun. See the section
on namelist variables for more details on obliquity.
(orb_params): Input eccentricity unreasonable:nn
The namelist value entered for eccentricity is outside the reasonable
range of the variable. Change your namelist and rerun. See the section
on namelist variables for more details on eccentricity.
(orb_params): Input mvelp unreasonable:nn
The namelist value entered for mvelp is outside the reasonable range
of the variable. Change your namelist and rerun. See the section
on namelist variables for more details on mvelp.
(orb_params) orbit only valid for years +-1000000
(orb_params) Relative to 1950 AD
(orb_params) # of years before 1950: nn
(orb_params) Year to simulate was : yyyy
The namelist variable IYEAR_AD can only be set to years that are within
one million years of the year 1950 AD. The algorithm that calculates the
earth's orbital parameters is not accurate outside this time range, so
the model will stop rather than trying to run with badly specified orbital
characteristics. To get around this you need to calculate the orbital parameters
for the year you want to simulate and enter those in the namelist rather
than setting IYEAR_AD.
(OPNFIL): local filename has zero length
An input pathname must include an actual filename.
(OPNFIL): failed to open file filename to unit uu
I/O error while opening a file for writing. Usually indicative of
a problem with the file system. User should make sure they haven't surpassed
any local disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
OUTFLD:Bad tens digit in mflds= t.
Subroutine outfld encountered an invalid value in
the tens digit of mflds(1). Valid values are 0 (instantaneous), 1 (averaged),
2 (minimum), and 3 (maximum). Check settings in subroutine bldfld.
OZNINI: Data must be ordered lon, lev, lat, time
Input data on the ozone netCDF boundary dataset are incorrectly ordered.
OZNINI: Failed to find dates bracketing mcdate, mcsec= yymmdd
The model integration time does not fall between available dates on
the ozone dataset.
OZNINI: levsiz= levels must = pozlev= ozonelevels
The number of vertical levels on the ozone boundary dataset does not
match that expected by the model. Solution: set cpp token POZLEV
defined in params.h to the number specified by "levsiz" in the error message.
OZNINI: When cycling ozone, dataset must have 12 consecutive months
of data starting with Jan
Month nn of dataset says date= yymmdd
This constraint only applies when namelist variable ozncyc
is set to .true.
OZNINI: When cycling ozone, dataset must have 12 consecutive months
of data starting with Jan
Current dataset has only nn months
This constraint only applies when namelist variable ozncyc
is set to .true.
OZNINT: Attempt to read past end of O3 dataset
The model integration time does not fall between available dates on
the ozone dataset.
OZNINT: Bad fact1 and/or fact2=fact1,fact2
Error interpolating the ozone dataset to model time. The interpolation
factors do not agree to within 32 bit roundoff. This is an internal
error which should never occur.
OZNINT: Input ozone for date yymmdd & sec second does
not exceed model date xxxx sec yyy Stopping.
The model integration time does not fall between available dates on
the ozone dataset
PACKAF:***WARNING*** This stub routine should not be
called. NDENS should be set to 1. History data will NOT be
Packing is only available on an NCAR Cray. Solution: set namelist
variable NDENS to 1.
POINTS:Mismatch between calculated length and parameter NLNBUF1
(or NLNBUF2) = nn, PFLENB (or PFLENA) = mm
The allocated space as indicated by parameter value pflenb
or pflena is insufficient for the corresponding calculated length
of data.
PREALC: Dummy routine for this machine architecture
Non-fatal. This disk-space pre-allocation routine only does
useful work on Cray PVP architectures.
PUTFIL: Error from mswrite -- errmsg
Error message returned from library routine mswrite.
PUTFIL: Error from shell cmd
The shell command that was trying to ardchive a file to mass store,
returned with some sort of error.
rank: WARNING maximum test failed
LSM internal error. Should never occur.
rank error: i_1 = missing
LSM internal error. Should never occur.
RESUME: nstep(starting time step).ge.nstop. nstep = nn nstop
= oo
Starting time step on restart or branch run is greater than ending
QNEG3 from NNNNNN:m=mm lat=ll Min. mixing ratio violated
at iiii points. Reset to r.rrrrrEee Worst = w.wwwwwEee at
i,k=ii kk
This nonfatal message advises that some point values of the constituent
field have fallen below their respective minimum acceptable threshold (see
qmin(pcnst) in comqmin.h), and have been reset to the minimum threshold
value. This should be a relatively rare occurrence, i.e., frequent occurrences
of this message indicate a fundamental problem with the treatment of the
particular constituent field.
QNEG4 WARNING from subroutine lat = ii; Max possible LH flx
exceeded at jj points. Worst excess = rr at i = kk
This non-fatal message indicates that the model has computed a latent
heat flux that will lead to negative water vapor mixing ratios in the lowest
level of the atmosphere. The model will transfer this excess to the
sensible heat flux term.
RADOZN: Bad ozone data: non-monotonicity suspected
Ozone boundary dataset may be corrupted.
RDHDR: integer (or character or real) header record too long. Allocated
space =nn, Actual length= mm
Not enough space was allocated for one of the header records. If the
actual read of the record produces an error, control returns to the calling
routine for error processing.
READARR: I/O error
There was an error reading a record from the restart file. iostop
will give further details as to the nature of the error.
READARR: End of file
A premature end-of-file was found while reading the restart file. This
may indicate the file has been corrupted, or incomptable with the model
configuration being run.
READINITIAL: Failed to open file filename
I/O error while opening a file for writing. Usually indicative of
a problem with the file system. User should make sure they haven't surpassed
any local disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
ERROR: READINITIAL model levels plev= jj, do not match levels
in initial dataset mlev= kk
Pressure levels in initial dataset are inconsistent with the model.
READINITIAL: model parameters do not match initial dataset parameter
Model Parameters: plev = kk plon = ii plat = jj
Dataset Parameters: dlev = mk dlon = mi dlat = mj
The dimension of the model run is different than the input dimensions
of the initial dataset. The input dataset has to have the same dimension
sizes as the model run you want to make.
READRG: I/O error in record number nn
An error was encountered during the read of a master regeneration file
record. Routine iostop will give further details on the error.
This may indicate the file has been corrupted, or incomptable with the
model configuration being run.
READRG: End of file
A premature end-of-file was found while reading the master regeneration
file. This may indicate the file has been corrupted, or incomptable with
the model configuration being run.
READRG: Must change case name on a branch run. Previous name = PrevCaseName,
current case name = CurrCaseName
To avoid overwriting existing output files, the case name (namelist
variable CASEID) on a branch run cannot be the same as the case from which
the branch is made.
READRIC: bad read of record nn from unit uu
Direct access read returned an error on unit uu. Routine
iostop is called to further explain the error message.
RELAVU: unit uu is not flagged as in use
This non-fatal message indicates that an attempt was made to release
a Fortran unit which was not already in use.
RELUNIT (or RELAVU): Attempt to return out of range unit=uu
Unit numbers must be in the range 1 to 99.
RELUNIT: Warning: Unit uu is not flagged
as in use
This non-fatal error indicates that the user
is trying to free a Fortran unit number that was never allocated by NAVU.
RESTRT: Error returned from RDSIGAPB for record nn
Restart runs use information from the last history file header. An
error was encountered in reading a header from this history file.
restrt.ERROR: Cannot parse restart full pathname: filename
Problem in restart file pathname. Restart pointer file may be
RESTRT: No restart data available
A restart dataset was not specified in the namelist of the previous
run. Therefore, no restart datasets were written.
RESTRT: too many secondary regeneration files required:
Maximum number of files (pnrg2) = nnnn
Maximum size of files (mxszrg) = nnnnn
Actual size of latitude record = nnnnn
Number of latitudes per file = nnn
The regeneration files are split over too many secondary files. Increase
the maximum allowed size of the restart files (namelist variable MXSZRG)
to compensate.
RESUME: nstep(starting time step).ge.nstop nstep = nn, nstop
= mm
The namelist variable NESTEP should be greater than the restart
RGNFLS (or RGNHBF):Failed to open file filename, ierr= errcode
Subroutine rgnfls or rgnhbf was unable to open one of the
retart datasets. The I/O status value is printed for more information.
Usually indicative of a problem with the file system. User should make
sure they haven't surpassed any local disk limits and that the file and
directory permissions are correct.
RGNHBF: the regeneration file size is too small:
Maximum file size (mxszrg): ii
Size of a latitude record: jj
The maximum restart file size as defined by the namelist variable
MXSZRG is declared too small (default size 380Mb). The user must
set the MXSZRG namelist variable to a larger size.
RGNHBF: too many hbuf regeneration files required:
Maximum number of files (pnrg1[2]) = ii
Maximum size of files (mxszrg) = jj
Actual number of files required = kk
Actual size of latitude record = ll
Number of latitudes per file = mm
The parameter pnrg1[pnrg2] in /comlun/ must be increased
to the actual number of files required or the maximum size of each restart
file (MXSZRG) must be increased. MXSZRG may be set via
the namelist.
SCAN1BC: Failed to open file filename ierr= errcode
History tape filename could not be opened. Check file existence,
and permissions.
The I/O status value is printed for more information.
The mean temperatures set for the semi-implicit scheme result in an
unstable scheme which would blow up if used.
Error in FFT library routine.
SLTINT: Did not complete computations for all departure points
An internal error occurred while performing semi-Lagrangian interpolation.
SLTINT: ERROR: this routine does not provide shape
preserving capability for horizontal-only interpolation
An internal error occurred while performing semi-Lagrangian interpolation.
SLTINT: ERROR: this routine does not provide shape
preserving capability for vertical-only interpolation
An internal error occurred while performing semi-Lagrangian interpolation.
SLTINT: Error: must specify at least one of lhrzint or lvrtint to
be true.
An internal error occurred while performing semi-Lagrangian interpolation.
SLTWGTS: Did not complete computations for all departure points
An internal error occurred while performing semi-Lagrangian interpolation.
soilcol error: bats soil color = nn is not valid for lon,lat
= ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soilcol error: lsm soil color = nn is not valid for lon,lat
= ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soiltex: WARNING maximum test failed at 10^6 and passed at 10^7
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soiltex error: did not find input cell with maximum overlap
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soiltex error: sand = nn silt = mm and clay = oo
do not sum to 100 for lon,lat = ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soiltex error: sand = nn silt = mm and clay = oo
not assigned to soil type for input grid lon,lat = ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
soiltex error: sand = nn silt = mm and clay = oo
not assigned to soil type for output grid lon,lat = ii jj
This is an internal error which should never occur.
SOMINI: Allocated space for som date variables is insufficient.
Please increase parameter totsomsz to at least nn and
SOMINI: latsiz=ii must = plat=jj
Latitude dimension on SOM boundary dataset is inconsistent with model
SOMINI: Failed to find dates bracketing mcdate mcsec= yymmdd
The date values for the SOM boundary dataset are inconsistent with
the model time. Check value of namelist variable NNBDAT.
SOMINI: lonsiz=ii must = plon=jj
Longitude dimension on SOM boundary dataset is inconsistent with model
SOMINI: When cycling som, 1st month must be
When running with the SOM and SSTCYC set to
TRUE (i.e. using climatological mixed layer depths) the first month in
the SOM dataset must correspond to January.
SOMINI: When cycling som, must have 12 consecutive
months of data
When running with the SOM and SSTCYC set to
TRUE (i.e. using climatological mixed layer depths) the SOM dataset must
have 12 months worth of data to run from, with each of the months in consecutive
order from January to December.
SOMINT: Attempt to read past end of SOM dataset
A SOM run attempted to read past the end of the SOM dataset.
Typically this indicates the SOM dataset was too short for the type of
run being done.
SOMINT: Bad fact1 and/or fact2=fact1,fact2
Error interpolating to a daily value. The interpolation factors do
not agree to with in 32 bit roundoff.
SOMQAD: iam=p nlats,plat=nn,nn
Internal error in PVM routines in SOMQAD. Only applies to message
passing version of CCM3
SOMQAD: iam=p Do not have latitude ll
Internal error in PVM routines in SOMQAD. Only applies to message
passing version of CCM3.
SPHDEP: ****** MODEL IS BLOWING UP *********
Parcel associated with longitude ii level kk and
latitude jj is outside the model domain.
Routine SPHDEP has recognized unreasonable values for Model winds.
(SPLITF): EOF reached in restart dataset
There is a problem reading the restart dataset. It may be corrupted,
or incompatible with model version being run.
SRFTSB: Error returned from mtdlss
An error has been detected in the multiple tri-diagonal linear system
solver mtdlss. The error can be one of two types: a declared storage
error or a numerical error (e.g., a singular matrix). Print the error status
flag, ier, and see mtdlss for additional detail.
SRFTSBI: error returned from mtdlss
An error has been detected in the multiple tri-diagonal linear system
solver mtdlss. The error can be one of two types: a declared storage
error or a numerical error (e.g., a singular matrix). Print the error status
flag, ier, and see mtdlss for additional detail.
SSTINI: Allocated space for sst data is insufficient.
Please increase parameter totsstsz to nn and recompile.
Self explanatory.
SSTINI: Failed to find dates bracketing mcdate, mcsec= yymmdd
The date values for the SST boundary dataset are inconsistent with
the model time. Check value of namelist variable NNBDAT.
SSTINI: latsiz=ii must = plat=jj
The latitude dimension on the netCDF boundary dataset is inconsistent
with the model.
SSTINI: lonsiz=ii must = plon=jj
The longitude dimension on the netCDF boundary dataset is inconsistent
with the model.
When cycling sst, sst dataset must have
consecutive months of data starting with
Current dataset has only nn months
Check the SST boundary dataset.
When cycling sst, sst dataset must have
consecutive months of data starting with
Month nn of sst dataset is out
of order
Check the SST boundary dataset.
SSTINT: Attempt to read past end of SST dataset
A SOM run attempted to read past the end of the SOM dataset.
Typically this indicates the SOM dataset was too short for the type of
run being done.
SSTINT: Bad fact1 and/or fact2=rr,ss
Error interpolating to a daily value. The interpolation factors do
not agree to within 32 bit roundoff.
SSTINT: Input sst for date yymmdd sec ss does not
exceed model date mcdate sec mcsec Stopping.
Check that model dates are consistent with SST boundary dataset.
STEPON: ***Running out of CPU time -- terminate***
Subroutine stepon has determined that there is not enough
CPU time left on this job to reach the next history file write time. The
logical flag nlend is set so the model will terminate normally.
SURPHY: sol rad error:nstep = ii vector
= jj point =kk lsm point = ll inbalance = rr
This is an internal error produced by the LSM
and indicates that an energy inbalance has occurred. This error should
never occur. If it does, it indicates a major problem with the simulation.
SURPHY: sur flx error:nstep = ii vector
= jj point =kk lsm point = ll inbalance = rr
This is an internal error produced by the LSM
and indicates that an energy inbalance has occurred. This error should
never occur. If it does, it indicates a major problem with the simulation.
SURPHY: lon rad error:nstep = ii vector
= jj point =kk lsm point = ll inbalance = rr
This is an internal error produced by the LSM
and indicates that an energy inbalance has occurred. This error should
never occur. If it does, it indicates a major problem with the simulation.
SURPHY: soi tem error:nstep = ii vector
= jj point =kk lsm point = ll inbalance = rr
This is an internal error produced by the LSM
and indicates that an energy inbalance has occurred. This error should
never occur. If it does, it indicates a major problem with the simulation.
TPHYSIDL: should not run model with "idlflag" set to "3" (experimental
code). The valid options are 1 or 2.
This is an internal error which should never occur.
TPHYSIDL: flag for choosing desired type of idealized physics ("idlflag")
is set incorrectly. The valid options are 1 or 2. idlflag is currently
set to: i
This is an internal error which should never occur.
TRAJDP: ****** MODEL IS BLOWING UP *********
Parcel associated with longitude ii level kk and
latitude jj is outside the model domain.
Unreasonable model winds have been detected.
TREMAIN: Dummy for Cray system routine. Returning
This routine is not available on non-Cray architectures.
TRUNC: Error in truncation parameters
TRUNC: Error in truncation parameters
The horizontal truncation parameters in pmgrid.h are not
UNPKAF: This routine should not be called--not implemented on this
machine architecture
Packing and unpacking is available only on an NCAR Cray. Solution:
ensure that all boundary datasets are unpacked.
VERH2O: tot wat error: nstep = ii vector
= jj point = kk lsm point = ll inbalance = rr mm
This is an internal error produced by the LSM and indicates that mass
conservation has been violated. This error should never occur. If it does,
it indicates a major problem with the simulation.
VRTMAP: Not enough artificial grid intervals. Currently, "pmap"
is set to pp Reset parameter "pmap" to at least nn
In the semi-Lagrangian transport scheme, the artificial vertical grid
that maps departure points into the model grid is not large enough to handle
the vertical resolution of this run. The user must increase the value of
stepon local parameter pmap.
WRAPUP: Failed to open file filename ierr=errcode
Auxiliary files are opened to append by wrapup. This open
failed. The I/O status value is printed for more information.
WRITERIC: bad write of record nn to unit uu
The Fortran direct access write to unit uu returned
an error. iostop is called to further explain the error message.
WRTARR:I/O error
iostop is called to explain an error returned from an array
WRTRS1: Failed to open file filename
I/O error while opening a restart file for writing. Usually indicative
of a problem with the file system. User should make sure they haven't surpassed
any local disk limits and that the file and directory permissions are correct.
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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest3 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:37:42 $ $Author: erik $