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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

2. Using CCM3.6

2.7 Getting Help

If a user should encounter bugs in the code (i.e., it doesn't behave in a way in which the documentation says it should), the problem should be reported electronically to ccm-bugs@ucar.edu. When reporting a suspected bug, please include the following information: 1) the architecture on which the code was built; 2) horizontal resolution; 3) ocean configuration 4) namelist; 5) run script; and 6) Model printout.

2.7.1 The CCM Web Page

On-line copies of this Users Guide and other CCM documentation may be found on the CCM home page at http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/ccm3. The CCM3 web site will also contain information on software updates to the CCM, bug fixes, notices of meetings or upcoming events, and so forth.

2.7.2 The ccm-users e-mail Group

The ccm-users discussion group is an open e-mail forum for rapid exchange of information, ideas, and topics of interest relating to the various versions of the NCAR CCM (Community Climate Model). This includes sharing software tools, datasets, programming tips and examples, as well as discussions of questions, problems and workarounds. The primary motivation for the establishment of this list is to facilitate and encourage communication between the users of the CCM around the world. This mail group will also be used to distribute announcements related to the CCM.

Documented bug reports should be reported to ccm-bugs@ncar.ucar.edu, not the ccm-users mail group.

To SUBSCRIBE, send mail to MajorDomo@ucar.edu which contains the following in the body of the message:

    subscribe ccm-users

You will receive confirmation via e-mail and you will be automatically subscribed to the list.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, send mail to MajorDomo@ucar.edu which contains the following in the body of the message:

    unsubscribe ccm-users

To POST: Once subscribed, send messages to: ccm-users@ucar.edu

To CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Simply unsubscribe from your old address and re-subscribe from your new address. This prevents error messages and the necessity to manually verify your address.   

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    2.7.1 The CCM Web Page
    2.7.2 The ccm-users e-mail Group

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