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3. CCM3.6 Internals

3.3 Data Structures

This section discusses design philosophy and implementation techniques for both in-core and out-of-core gridpoint and spectral space data structures.  Some special array indexing constructs are also addressed.

CCM3.6 in its default configuration is fully in-core. It is possible to run the model in a partially out-of-core mode by setting namelist variables INCORBUF , INCORRAD , and/or INCORHST to false. In this case certain data structures are resident on a file system, with individual latitude bands of data shuffled into and out of memory as they are needed. This option is only of practical value when an extremely fast I/O device is available, such as the solid state disk (SSD) from Cray Research, Inc. The data structures which have the flexibility to be maintained either in-core or out-of-core based on namelist input are the main model buffers, the radiation buffer, and the history buffer. For the in-core implementation, I/O calls to the SSD are replaced by the setting of Cray pointers to the address of the relevant latitude band of each in-core data structure. 

Sub Sections

    3.3.1 Vertical Coordinate
    3.3.2 Grid-point Data Structures
    3.3.3 Spectral Data Structures
    3.3.4 Other Common Blocks and Header Files: The Parameterization Interface

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:21 $ $Author: erik $