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3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.4 Multitasking Strategy
        3.4.2 Distributed Memory Multitasking Distributed Memory Management

Storage for arrays which are global (i.e. contain full latitudinal dimensionality) in the shared-memory code is allocated off the heap in the distributed-memory code, instead of a static declaration using Fortran parameters. Reasons are:  1) to avoid wasting storage, and 2) to enable a single executable binary to be run on an arbitrary number of processors without the necessity of recompiling. Storage is allocated using system routine hpalloc on the Cray or malloc on other architectures, and accessed using Cray pointers. Gridpoint data structures are defined only for those latitude bands which reside on-processor. Likewise, spectral data structures are only defined for Fourier wavenumbers which are on-processor.

Storage for gridpoint arrays which are not global in the shared-memory code is allocated exactly the same way in the distributed-memory code. Namely, either statically or stack-based as appropriate using Fortran parameters

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:38 $ $Author: erik $