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User's Guide to LSM1.1

Table of Contents

User's Guide to LSM1.1

Table of Contents

List of Tables

1. Using LSM1.1
    1.1 Overview
    1.2 Initial Runs
        1.2.1 Initial runs from ``arbitrary initialization''
        1.2.2 Initial runs from initial data files
    1.3 Output History and Restart Files
    1.4 Continuation Runs
    1.5 Run Control Parameters
        1.5.1 Pre-Processor Directives
        1.5.2 Parameters
        1.5.3 Run Options

2. LSM1.1 Code Description
    2.1 *.h files
    2.2 *.F files


Appendix A: Calling diagrams
    A.1 Calling diagram for lsmini:
    A.2 Calling diagram for lsmdrv

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:40:17 $ $Author: erik $