III.F /ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3
/ NCAR / CGD / CMS / CCM3 / Datasets / [ CCM3 ] [ Processor ] [ LSM ] [ CSM ]

III.F CCM3 T42 15-Year (79-93) AMIP-SST Simulation: /ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3

Table of Contents for this Case:

A. Case Description.
B. Initial and Boundary Datasets.
1. Complete namelist input.
2. Complete params.h and preproc.h settings.
C. Output history Datasets.
1. Listing of Primary (monthly-averaged) header and available fields.
2. Listing of Primary (monthly-averaged) MSS datasets.
3. Listing of Auxiliary (daily-averaged) header and available fields.
4. Listing of Auxiliary (daily-averaged) MSS datasets.
D. Post-processed datasets.

A. Case Description.

/ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3 is a 15-year T42 seasonal simulation, using analyzed monthly averaged SSTs with CCM3 (built with the mv1 library). The SST data set is the Standard AMIP T42 climatological SST values from Dec 78 to Dec 88 and COADS data for Jan 89 to Sep 93.

The run was performed by initially submitting a one day initialization run followed by 15 one year restart runs (except for the first restart run which was for 380 days because the one day intial integration started on Dec 15).

/ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3 covers the period from 16 December of year 78 to 1 September of year 93. It is similar to the sld012d run, but PERTLIM is set in the namelist to 1.E-14.

B. Initial and Boundary Datasets.

The initial and boundary datasets used in Case /ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3 are:

      NCDATA  = '/ACKER/CCM3/data/DEC16.amip.T42.0596',
      BNDTI   = '/CCM3/data/tibds.T42.0596 ',
      BNDTVS  = '/ACKER/CCM3/data/Dec78-Sep93.sst.amip.T42.0596',
      BNDTVO  = '/CCM3/data/ozn.T42.0596',
      fsurdat = '/ccm/CCM3/data/surfdat.T42.0596'
      finidat = '/ACKER/CCM3/data/lsm.inidat.amip.T42.0596'
and resolution parameters:
      HRES  T42           PCNST   1 
      PLEV   18           PTRM   42 
      PLON  128           PTRN   42 
      PLAT   64           PTRK   42 

Detailed Information
Complete namelist input.
Complete params.h and preproc.h settings.
Return to Table of Contents for this Case.

C. Output History Datasets.

/ACKER/csm/obsst01/ccm3 covers the period from 16 December of year 78 to 1 September of year 93. Two different output datasets were written, a Primary history tape and and Auxiliary history tape.

The Primary history tapes contain the standard set of CCM3 history fields, output as monthly averages for each month of the run. Each monthly average is valid for the current month and current year of the date encoded into the MSS filename. The date in the history tape header will be the first timestep of the first day of the next month (i.e. the monthy-average tape named .../01-79 contains model data averaged over the month of January 79. The averaging period extends from the first timestep of the first day of January of year 79 through the first timestep of the first day of February of year 79. The date in the history tape header will be 00Z 1 February 79).

The Auxiliary history tapes contain a number of history fields output as 24-hour averages for each day of the run. Each daily average is valid for the previous 24 hours (i.e. the daily-average written at 00Z Jan 15 is the average for all timesteps during the time period of the 1st time-step after 00Z Jan 14 through 00Z Jan 15).

Both the Primary and Auxiliary data are packed 4-to-1. All output data from this run was written in CCM2 history tape format.

The MSS pathnames for the Primary (monthly-averaged) output data from this case are:
where mm is a two digit month (mm = 01, 02, ..., 12) and yy is a two digit year (yy = 79, 80, ..., 93).

The MSS pathnames for the Auxiliary (daily-averaged) output data from this case are:
where nnnn = 0001, 0002, ..., 0179

D. Description of post-processed datasets

Monthy Average and Standard Deviation datasets

Ensemble averages of the Primay (monthly-averaged) output history tapes from Case /ACKER/csm/obsst01 are available for January and July

The MSS pathnames for the post-processed data from this case are:
1. Ensemble averages of the monthly averages for each month 
   from year 79 to year 92: 


2. Yearly averages of the monthly averages for each year.


Detailed Information
Listing of Primary (monthly-averaged) header and available fields.
Listing of Primary (monthly-averaged) MSS datasets.
Listing of Auxiliary (daily-averaged) header and available fields.
Listing of Auxiliary (daily-averaged) MSS datasets.
Return to Table of Contents for this Case.

/ NCAR / CGD / CMS / CCM3 / Datasets / [ CCM3 ] [ Processor ] [ LSM ] [ CSM ]