File: Location(s): /fs/cgd/csm/input/lnd Originator: Mariana Vertenstein Model requirements: ccm3.5.10 and beyond File type: NetCDF Resolution: T42 What is it: LSM initial conditions file for Dec/1st conditions. This was run from a 5 year spin-up run with standalone CCM and LSM. The case name was /ERIK/csm/cls3331a. The case name was /ERIK/csm/cls3331a, which was run from straight CCM3.3.31 code. LSM was started from arbitrary initial conditions, standard namelist values as per sld012a were used with orbital parameters set to 1950 conditions and solar constant to 1367. W/m2 NCDATA = '' BNDTVS = '' BNDTVO = '' IYEAR_AD = 1950 SCON = 1.367e6 The exact filename was: /ERIK/csm/cls3331a/lnd/rest/lsmr_00051204_00000 So technically it is for conditions on Dec/04th.