File: Location(s): /fs/cgd/csm/input/lnd Originator: Mariana Vertenstein Model requirements: ccm3.5.10 and beyond File type: NetCDF Resolution: T42 What is it: LSM initial conditions file for Sep/1st conditions. This was run from a 5 year spin-up run with standalone CCM and LSM. The case name was /ERIK/csm/cls3331a. LSM was started from arbitrary initial conditions, standard namelist values as per sld012a were used with orbital parameters set to 1950 conditions and solar constant to 1367. W/m2 NCDATA = '' BNDTVS = '' BNDTVO = '' IYEAR_AD = 1950 SCON = 1.367e6 The exact filename was: /ERIK/csm/cls3331a/lnd/rest/lsmr_00050826_00000 So technically it is for conditions on Aug/26th.