=============================================================================== File: bats.data, flak.1x1, olson.data, swmp.1x1,webb.1x1 Location(s): /fs/cgd/csm/input/lnd Originator: Gordon Bonan Model requirements: CCM3.3 Becomes obsolete with: File type: ASCII Resolution: 1x1 degree What is it: Datasets needed for the arbitrary initialization of LSM in CCM. bats.data: BATS (Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme) soil colors. (Dickinson, R.E. 1983. Land surface processes and climate-surface albedos and energy balance. Adv. Geophys. 25:305-353) flak.1x1: Percent of grid-cell covered with inland water (lake). (Cogley, J.G. 1991. GGHYDRO - Global Hydrographic Data Release 2.0. Trent Climate Note 91-1, Dept. Geography, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.) olson.data: Surface land-use types. 0.5x0.5 degree grid. (Olson, J.S., Watts, J.A., and Allison, L.J. 1983. Carbon in live vegetation of major world ecosystems. ORNL-5862. Oak Ridge National Laboraotry, Oak Ridge, TN.) webb.1x1: Sand, silt, clay dataset. (Webb, R.S., Rosenzweig, C.E., and Levine, E.R. 1993. Specifying land surface characteristics in general circulation models: soil profile data set and derived water-holding capacities. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 7:97-108.) swmp.1x1: Percent of grid-cell covered with wetlands. (Cogley, 1991) =============================================================================== File: drainage.p5xp5.nc Location(s): /fs/cgd/csm/input/lnd Originator: Mariana Vertenstein Model requirements: CCM3.3.3 Becomes obsolete with: File type: netCDF Resolution: 0.5x0.5 degree What is it: Drainage matrix file signifying which ocean basin each 0.5x0.5 degree grid box on the globe drains into. The basins are as follows: DRNMAT:basin_1 = "basin 1 Eurasian Arctic" ; DRNMAT:basin_2 = "basin 2 N. American Arctic" ; DRNMAT:basin_3 = "basin 3 N. American Atlantic" ; DRNMAT:basin_4 = "basin 4 European Atlantic" ; DRNMAT:basin_5 = "basin 5 S. American Atlantic" ; DRNMAT:basin_6 = "basin 6 African Atlantic" ; DRNMAT:basin_7 = "basin 7 African Indian" ; DRNMAT:basin_8 = "basin 8 Asian Indian" ; DRNMAT:basin_9 = "basin 9 Asian Pacific" ; DRNMAT:basin_10 = "basin 10 N. American Pacific" ; DRNMAT:basin_11 = "basin 11 S. American Pacific" ; DRNMAT:basin_12 = "basin 12 Australian Southern" ; DRNMAT:basin_13 = "basin 13 Antarctic Southern" ; DRNMAT:basin_14 = "basin 14 Mediterranean" ; DRNMAT:basin_15 = "basin 15 Caspian Sea" ; DRNMAT:basin_16 = "basin 16 Black Sea" ; DRNMAT:basin_17 = "basin 17 Red Sea / Persian Gulf" ; DRNMAT:basin_18 = "basin 18 Baltic Sea" ; DRNMAT:basin_19 = "basin 19 Hudson Bay" ;