May 03 1996: Procedure for creating the CCM3 initial dataset SEP1.T42.0596 and the lsm initial dataset lsm.inidat.T42.0596 datasets. Cray disk files: /ccm/CCM3/data/SEP1.T42.0596 /ccm/CCM3/data/lsm.inidat.T42.0596 Mass Store tapes: /CCM3/data/SEP1.T42.0596 /CCM3/data/lsm.inidat.T42.0596 Aliases: SEP1.0296 lsm.inidat.0296 These datasets were copied from the following locations: HT dataset: /OLSON/datasets/T42/CCM3SEP1 (Mass Store) LSM dataset: /crestone/u0/olson/lsm/datasets/t42/initdat_CCM3.sep1 1) Ran a 3-year spin-up run based on spectral omega0_9 (plus mods to "cond.F", "flxsice.F", and "srfsice.F and some non-answer- changing mods). Input datasets: NCDATA = '/JET/datasets/T42/CCM3SEP1', BNDTI = '/ccm2/T42/tibds', BNDTVS = '/MVERTENS/T42SST_SPLINE.CCM2_MV' BNDTVO = '/ccm2/T42/ozn', LSM input datasets: surface data = /crestone/u1/bonan/lsm/datasets/som/surfdat initial data = NONE (used no external LSM IC's to start up model) Ran model from 000901 to 030901. MS Pathname for output: /OLSON/ccm3/sld012a/hist/ 2) Made a branch run off of the above "sld012a" case starting from the date 030816. Ran "unpacked" and "instantaneous" and ended the run at 030901. From this run the SEP1 datasets were created: HT IC: /OLSON/datasets/T42/CCM3SEP1 LSM IC: /crestone/u0/olson/lsm/datasets/t42/initdat_CCM3.sep1