May 03 1996: Procedure for creating STR-sst.T42.0596, the Climatological SST dataset, 12 months, global coverage Cray disk file: /ccm/CCM3/data/STR-sst.T42.0596 Mass Store tape: /CCM3/data/STR-sst.T42.0596 Alias: STR-sst.0895 Variables: SST (Sea Surface Temperature) Units: Celcius Coverage: Global. Dates: 12 files each a monthly average from JAN to DEC. Dates are valid near the "middle" of the month as indicated by the dates in the integer header Format: CCM2 History tape format (see NCAR TN-379+IA 'Users's Guide to NCAR CCM2'). MSS Name: /MVERTENS/T42SST_SPLINE.CCM2_MV History: The source of the above data is the Shea, Ternberth, Reynolds 2x2 degree sst climatology. The source file is contained within NCAR's DSS ds289.0 Dennis Shea used a two-dimensional cubic spline was to interpolate the 2x2 grid to a T42 grid. Ice values were set to -1.8C. Doug Lindholm (CAS) put the interpolated file into history tape format. He also changed the units to degrees Kelvin. Mariana Vertenstein then adjusted the date to a mid-month value. Ref: Shea, D. J, K. E. Trenberth, and R. W. Reynolds, 1992: A global monthly sea surface temperature climatology. jc vol 5, pp.~987--1001. -----, K. E. Trenberth, and R. W. Reynolds, 1990: A global monthly sea surface temperature climatology. Technical Note NCAR/TN--345+STR, NCAR, Boulder, CO, 167~pp.