File: Location(s): /fs/cgd/csm/ccm Originator: Jim Rosinski Model requirements: CCM3_3_1 Becomes obsolete with: File type: netcdf Resolution: lon=1, lev=23, lat=64, time=12 What is it: ozn.T42.0596 run through 64-bit ccm2nc Variables: OZONE (fraction) PS (m**2/s**2) Coverage: Global (zonally averaged) Dates: 12 time samples History: This dataset is the same T42 ozone boundary dataset used in CCM2. This dataset contains ozone volume mixing ratios for an arbitrary number of vertical levels. These levels are defined by the sigma arrays contained in the real portion of the dataset header. CCM3 reads these values and then interpolates to the Model vertical levels at each longitude point on the grid. The ozone dataset is in the form of a history file containing the fields PS and OZONE. PS is a constant 1000 millibar (100,000 Pascal) pressure field and is provided so the user can request a pressure interpolation to produce pressure plots using the CCM Processor. Because the ozone data do not vary in longitude, each of the 12 monthly time samples contains plat records of a given number of levels by one longitude.