CCM3 SST boundary datasets.
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CCM3 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) datasets.

Table of Contents:

1. The Standard CCM3 T42 Climatological SST Dataset.
2. AMIP T42 SST dataset.

1. The Standard CCM3 T42 Climatological SST Dataset.

Standard CCM3 SST datasets contain 12 time samples of global SST data. Each time sample is a monthly average of climatological SST data centered around the center date of each month. The CCM3 model interpolates the monthly averaged data to obtain the daily SST values. See the CCM3 routines sstan.F, sstini.F, and sstint.F for more details. Values over land are filled with interpolated values

STR-sst-0895:  Climatological SST dataset, 12 months, global coverage

 Variables:  SST (Sea Surface Temperature) 
 Units:      Celcius  
 Coverage:   Global.  
 Dates:      12 files each a monthly average from JAN to DEC.
             Dates are valid near the "middle" of the month as indicated
             by the dates in the integer header
 Format:     CCM2 History tape format (see NCAR TN-379+IA 'Users's Guide to NCAR CCM2').

 History:    The source of the above data is the Shea, Ternberth, Reynolds
             2x2 degree sst climatology. The source file is contained within 
             NCAR's DSS ds289.0  

             Dennis Shea used a two-dimensional cubic spline was to interpolate 
             the 2x2 grid to a T42 (128x64) grid. Ice values were set to -1.8C. 

             Doug Lindholm (CAS) put the interpolated file into
             history tape format. He also changed the units to degrees Kelvin.
             Mariana Vertenstein then adjusted the date to a mid-month value.
             Shea, D. J, K. E. Trenberth, and R. W. Reynolds, 1992: A global
             monthly sea surface temperature climatology. jc  vol 5, pp.~987--1001.
             -----, K. E. Trenberth, and R. W. Reynolds, 1990: A global monthly
             sea surface temperature climatology. Technical Note 
             NCAR/TN--345+STR, NCAR, Boulder, CO, 167~pp.

Additional Information
Climate Analysis Section general catalog.
Climate Analysis Section SST climatology.
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2. AMIP T42 SST dataset.

AMIP CCM3 SST datasets contain various time-series of global SST data. Each time sample is a monthly average of observed SST data centered around the middle date of each month. The CCM3 model interpolates the monthly averaged data to obtain the daily SST values. See the CCM3 routines sstan.F, sstini.F, and sstint.F for more details. Values over land are filled with interpolated values

Additional Information
AMIP Project.
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/ NCAR / CGD / CMS / CCM3 / Datasets / [ CCM3 ] [ Processor ] [ LSM ] [ CSM ]