Tuesday May 21 1996 The NCAR Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3) is now released. The CCM3 is a stable, efficient, documented, state of the art, atmospheric general circulation model designed for climate research on high-speed supercomputers and select upper-end workstations. CCM3 is released as a free resource to scientists and graduate students worldwide as an advanced tool for global atmospheric modeling research, allowing them to develop and implement their particular area of modeling expertise without spending decades of their careers building a complex global climate model. The CCM3 source code, initial and boundary datasets, documentation, model verification and control simulations may be downloaded from the CCM3 home page at http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/ccm3 . The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. CCM3 Advances. -------------- Over the last 10 years, CCM0, CCM1 and CCM2 have been used by numerous scientific institutions around the world for basic research into diverse areas such as CO2 warming and climate change, climate prediction and predictability, atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimate, biosphere-atmosphere transfer and nuclear winter. The CCM3 is the fourth generation in the series of NCAR's Community Climate Model. Many aspects of the model formulation and implementation are identical to the CCM2, although there are a number of important changes that have been incorporated into the collection of parameterized physics, along with some modest changes to the dynamical formalism. Modifications to the physical representation of specific climate processes in the CCM3 have been motivated by the need to address the more serious systematic errors apparent in CCM2 simulations, as well as to make the atmospheric model more suitable for coupling to land, ocean, and sea-ice component models. Thus, an important aspect of the changes to the model atmosphere has been that they address well known systematic biases in the top-of-atmosphere and surface (to the extent that they are known) energy budgets. When compared to the CCM2, changes to the model formulation fall into five major categories: modifications to the representation of radiative transfer through both clear and cloudy atmospheric columns, modifications to hydrologic processes (i.e., in the form of changes to the atmospheric boundary layer, moist convection, and surface energy exchange), the incorporation of a sophisticated land surface model, the incorporation of an optional slab mixed-layer ocean/thermodynamic sea-ice component, and a collection of other changes to the formalism which at present do not introduce significant changes to the model climate. Changes to the clear-sky radiation formalism include the incorporation of trace gases (CH_4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12) in the longwave parameterization, and the incorporation of a background aerosol (0.14 optical depth) in the shortwave parameterization. All-sky changes include improvements to the way in which cloud optical properties (effective radius and liquid water path) are diagnosed, the incorporation of the radiative properties of ice clouds, and a number of minor modifications to the diagnosis of convective and layered cloud amount. Collectively these modification substantially reduce systematic biases in the global annually averaged clear-sky and all-sky outgoing longwave radiation and absorbed solar radiation to well within observational uncertainty, while maintaining very good agreement with global observational estimates of cloud forcing. Additionally, the large warm bias in simulated July surface temperature over the Northern Hemisphere, the systematic overprediction of precipitation over warm land areas, and a large component of the stationary-wave error in CCM2, are also reduced as a result of cloud-radiation improvements. Modifications to hydrologic processes include revisions to the major contributing parameterizations. The formulation of the atmospheric boundary layer parameterization has been revised (in collaboration with Dr. A. A. M. Holtslag of KNMI), resulting in significantly improved estimates of boundary layer height, and a substantial reduction in the overall magnitude of the hydrologic cycle. Parameterized convection has also been modified where this process is now represented using the deep moist convection formalism of Zhang and McFarlane (1995) in conjunction with the scheme developed by Hack (1994) for CCM2. This change results in an additional reduction in the magnitude of the hydrologic cycle and a smoother distribution of tropical precipitation. Surface roughness over oceans is also diagnosed as a function of surface wind speed and stability, resulting in more realistic surface flux estimates for low wind speed conditions. The combination of these changes to hydrological components results in a 13% reduction in the annually averaged global latent heat flux and the associated precipitation rate. It should be pointed out that the improvements in the radiative and hydrologic cycle characteristics of the model climate have been achieved without compromising the quality of the simulated equilibrium thermodynamic structures (one of the major strengths of the CCM2) thanks in part to the incorporation of a Sundqvist (1988) style evaporation of stratiform precipitation. The CCM3 incorporates version 1 of the Land Surface Model (LSM) developed by Bonan (1996) which provides for the comprehensive treatment of land surface processes. This is a one-dimensional model of energy, momentum, water, and CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and land, accounting for ecological differences among vegetation types, hydraulic and thermal differences among soil types, and allowing for multiple surface types including lakes and wetlands within a grid cell. LSM replaces the prescribed surface wetness, prescribed snow cover, and prescribed surface albedos in CCM2. It also replaces the land surface fluxes in CCM2, using instead flux parameterizations that include hydrological and ecological processes (e.g., soil water, phenology, stomatal physiology, interception of water by plants). The fourth class of changes to the CCM2 includes the component processes required for a fully interactive ocean and sea-ice surface. These components collectively fall under the umbrella of an optional slab mixed-layer/sea ice capability which provide the opportunity to use the CCM3 for a large class of global change studies. The final class of model modifications include a change to the form of the hydrostatic matrix which ensures consistency between omega and the discrete continuity equation, and a more generalized form of the gravity wave drag parameterization. In the latter case, the parameterization is configured to behave in the same way as the CCM2 parameterization of gravity wave drag, but includes the capability to exploit more sophisticated descriptions of this process. The governing equations, physical parameterizations and numerical algorithms defining CCM3 are presented in the Description of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3) (Kiehl et al., 1996). A separate Users Guide to CCM3 (Acker et al., 1996) provides details of the code logic, flow, data structures and style, and explains how to modify and run CCM3. A complete description of the Land Surface Model is provided in the LSM documentation and user's guide. (Bonan, 1996). One of the more significant implementation differences with the earlier model is that CCM3 includes an optional message-passing configuration, allowing the model to be executed as a parallel task in distributed-memory environments. This is an example of how the Climate and Global Dynamics Division continues to invest in technical improvements to the CCM in the interest of making it easier to acquire and use in evolving computational environments. As was the case for CCM2, the code is internally documented, obviating the need for a separate technical note that describes each subroutine and common block in the model library. Thus, the CCM3 Description, the Users' Guide, the land surface technical note, the actual code, a planned series of reviewed scientific publications and the CCM3 Web-page are designed to completely document CCM3.