/ NCAR / CGD / CMS / Processor

Getting help.

The NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Division has historically invested in complete documentation of its community tools, among which include the CCM Modular Processor, obviating the need for consulting assistance. This documentation has proven to provide sufficient guidance to those users who invest some time in reading the material. The CCM Core Group staff can only respond to queries involving documentable errors (bugs) in the software.

If a user should encounter bugs in the code (i.e., it doesn't behave in a way in which the documentation says it should), the problem should be reported electronically to ccmproc2@ncar.ucar.edu. Otherwise, the user should rely upon the available documentation or ask the question on the ccm-users email group

The ccm-users e-mail group acts as a resource to facilitate and encourage communication _between_ all users of the CCM .

[ Processor] [ Introduction] [ Discussion] [ Dictionary] [ Subjects] [ Samples]