/ NCAR / CGD / CMS / Processor

Processor Sample Codes

A. Simple Processor Examples. (TN-383, section 3)
B. Sample Processor Plotting Codes. (TN-384, appendix A)
C. Sample Processor Data Analysis Codes. (TN-384, appendix B)
D. Unsupported tools.

A. Simple Processor Examples. (TN-383, section 3)

1. Plot Temperature from a CCM2 history tape: plot.sh
2. Make a CCM2 initial dataset: initial.sh
3. Process one day for one case: one-day.sh
4. Produce a thirty day time average: 30-day-ave.sh
5. Produce two ten-day time averages and compare them: compare-aves.sh
6. Recompute differences and plots from two History Save Tapes: rd-savetape.sh
7. Merge fields from two different input tapes: merge.sh
8. Replot only differences from a save tape: plt-diffs.sh
9. Make a Horizontal Slice Save Tape and read with FORTRAN: hsl.sh
10. Compute standard deviations from four Processor save tapes: std-dev.sh
11. Produce two five-day time averages and average the results: ave-ave.sh
12. Make a simple derived field and plot it: derfld.sh
13. Spectrally truncate a dataset: spectral.sh
14. Surface masking: plot heat fluxs over land only: mask.sh

B. Sample Processor Plotting Codes. (TN-384, appendix A)

1. Temperature contours on all model surfaces.
2. Point values for surface type (land, ocean, sea ice).
3. Geopotential height contours on a polar projection
4. Horizontal wind vectors on a polar projection.
5. Horizontal wind vectors on a rectangular projection
6. Meridional x-section contours of zonally averaged temperature
7. Line plot for zonally averaged zonal wind.
8. Latitudinal x-section contours of meridionally averaged V
9. Kinetic energy spectrum time averaged in spectral space
10. Time series of 500-1000 millibar thickness
11. Time series of zonally averaged 500 mb temperature transport
12. Time series of global averaged total cloudiness for Jan and Jul
13. Hovmoller plot of 500 millibar geopotential height.
14. Times series of zonally averaged 500 millibar zonal wind

C. Sample Processor Data Analysis Codes. (TN-384, appendix B)

B.1 Creating CCM1 Initial Data Tapes
B.2 Unblocking by Vertical Extrapolation
B.3 Vertical Integration with CCM1 data.
B.4 Vertical Finite Differences
B.5 Time and Space Correlation Statistics
B.6 Significance Statistics
B.7 Event Statistics
B.8 Complex Time Average Statistics
B.9 Sreamfunction
B.10 Potential Vorticity

D. Unsupported tools.

Miscellaneous FORTRAN codes to run on the Cray at NCAR.
1. Modify history tape header information: chgheader.sh:
2. Create, then read data from a LSD save tape: rdlsd.sh:
3. Read a CCM1 SST initial data tape: rdsst.ccm1.sh:
4. Read the CCM1 R15 albedo initial data tape: rdalb.ccm1.sh:
5. Read/unpack/plot data from a CCM2 history tape: rdhst.ccm2.sh:
6. Create a T42 Surface Type Save Tape: sfctcrt.sh:
Moving your data from the Cray to non-Cray machines (README).
1. Extract selected fields to a HSL tape on the Cray: mkhsl.sh:
2. Translate the HSL data from Cray binary to IEEE format: cr2ieee.sh:
3. Read the IEEE format HSL tape on a workstation: rdhsl.sh:
Reading a CCM history tape (UNPACKED) on a non-Cray machine.
1. Translate an unpacked history tape to IEEE format: hist2ieee.sh:
2. Test read the IEEE format history tape on a workstation: rdhist.ieee.sh:
Miscellaneous EMACS Processor tools.
1. EMACS Processor abbreviations.
2. EMACS Processor tools.

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