/ Processor
Processor Sample Codes
- A. Simple Processor Examples. (TN-383, section 3)
- B. Sample Processor Plotting Codes. (TN-384, appendix A)
- C. Sample Processor Data Analysis Codes. (TN-384, appendix B)
- D. Unsupported tools.
A. Simple Processor Examples. (TN-383, section 3)
- 1. Plot Temperature from a CCM2 history tape: plot.sh
- 2. Make a CCM2 initial dataset: initial.sh
- 3. Process one day for one case: one-day.sh
- 4. Produce a thirty day time average: 30-day-ave.sh
- 5. Produce two ten-day time averages and compare them: compare-aves.sh
- 6. Recompute differences and plots from two History Save Tapes: rd-savetape.sh
- 7. Merge fields from two different input tapes: merge.sh
- 8. Replot only differences from a save tape: plt-diffs.sh
- 9. Make a Horizontal Slice Save Tape and read with FORTRAN: hsl.sh
- 10. Compute standard deviations from four Processor save tapes: std-dev.sh
- 11. Produce two five-day time averages and average the results: ave-ave.sh
- 12. Make a simple derived field and plot it: derfld.sh
- 13. Spectrally truncate a dataset: spectral.sh
- 14. Surface masking: plot heat fluxs over land only: mask.sh
B. Sample Processor Plotting Codes. (TN-384, appendix A)
- 1. Temperature contours on all model surfaces.
- 2. Point values for surface type (land, ocean, sea ice).
- 3. Geopotential height contours on a polar projection
- 4. Horizontal wind vectors on a polar projection.
- 5. Horizontal wind vectors on a rectangular projection
- 6. Meridional x-section contours of zonally averaged temperature
- 7. Line plot for zonally averaged zonal wind.
- 8. Latitudinal x-section contours of meridionally averaged V
- 9. Kinetic energy spectrum time averaged in spectral space
- 10. Time series of 500-1000 millibar thickness
- 11. Time series of zonally averaged 500 mb temperature transport
- 12. Time series of global averaged total cloudiness for Jan and Jul
- 13. Hovmoller plot of 500 millibar geopotential height.
- 14. Times series of zonally averaged 500 millibar zonal wind
C. Sample Processor Data Analysis Codes. (TN-384, appendix B)
- Introduction
- B.1 Creating CCM1 Initial Data Tapes
- B.2 Unblocking by Vertical Extrapolation
- B.3 Vertical Integration with CCM1 data.
- B.4 Vertical Finite Differences
- B.5 Time and Space Correlation Statistics
- B.6 Significance Statistics
- B.7 Event Statistics
- B.8 Complex Time Average Statistics
- B.9 Sreamfunction
- B.10 Potential Vorticity
D. Unsupported tools.
- Miscellaneous FORTRAN codes to run on the Cray at NCAR.
- 1. Modify history tape header information: chgheader.sh:
- 2. Create, then read data from a LSD save tape: rdlsd.sh:
- 3. Read a CCM1 SST initial data tape: rdsst.ccm1.sh:
- 4. Read the CCM1 R15 albedo initial data tape: rdalb.ccm1.sh:
- 5. Read/unpack/plot data from a CCM2 history tape: rdhst.ccm2.sh:
- 6. Create a T42 Surface Type Save Tape: sfctcrt.sh:
- Moving your data from the Cray to non-Cray machines (README).
- 1. Extract selected fields to a HSL tape on the Cray: mkhsl.sh:
- 2. Translate the HSL data from Cray binary to IEEE format: cr2ieee.sh:
- 3. Read the IEEE format HSL tape on a workstation: rdhsl.sh:
- Reading a CCM history tape (UNPACKED) on a non-Cray machine.
- 1. Translate an unpacked history tape to IEEE format: hist2ieee.sh:
- 2. Test read the IEEE format history tape on a workstation: rdhist.ieee.sh:
- Miscellaneous EMACS Processor tools.
- 1. EMACS Processor abbreviations.
- 2. EMACS Processor tools.
[ Processor]
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