Climate & Global Dynamics @ 2021 AMS Annual Meeting

CGD will be well represented at this year's AMS Annual Meeting. Take a look at the schedule below to learn about all of the exciting presentations from our scientists.
Presentations & Posters
Monday, January 11 2021
* All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Presenter: Isla Simpson | Monday, January 11 2021 - 03:30
- Session: Session 3B 34th Conference on Climate Variability and Change - Emerging Science from Earth System Models and CMIP6
- Abstract: 3B.4A - Emergent constraints on the large scale atmospheric circulation and regional hydroclimate: do they still work in CMIP6 and how much can they actually constrain the future?
- Presenter: Gerald Meehl | Monday, January 11 2021 - 10:40
- Session: Keynote Speaker 4 34th Conference on Climate Variability and Change - Core Science Keynote: Advances in Earth System Models and CMIP
- Abstract: 4.1 - CMIP and Earth System Modeling: Past, Present, and Future (Core Science Keynote)
- Presenter: Christina McCluskey | Monday, January 11 2021 - 03:40
- Session: Joint 3 13th Symposium on Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions - Aerosol–Climate Interactions from Regional to Global Scale
- Abstract: Joint 3.1 - Evaluation of Simulated Southern Ocean Ice Nucleating Particles and Implications for Climate
- Presenter: Andrew Gettelman | Monday, January 11 2021 - 04:20
- Session: Joint 3 13th Symposium on Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions - Aerosol–Climate Interactions from Regional to Global Scale
- Abstract: Joint 3.9 - Climate Impacts of COVID-19 Emissions Reductions via Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
- Presenter: Dan Whitt | Monday, January 11 2021 * Poster
- Session: Poster 1 22nd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction - 22ASI-Mon
- Abstract: 279 - A large eddy simulation of the coastal ocean response to a hurricane
Tuesday, January 12 2021
* All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Presenter: Maria Molina | Tuesday, 12 January 2020 - 01:35
- Session: Session 5 10th Conference on the Meteorological Application of Lightning Data - Lightning Measurements, Modeling, and Applications
- Abstract: 5.6 - Short-Term Prediction of Severe Thunderstorm Hazards with Machine Learning and the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
Wednesday, January 13 2021
* All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Presenter: Mari Tye | Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 03:30
- Session: Panel Discussion 9 Ninth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise - Pursuing Professional Partnerships to Support Decision-Making
Friday, January 15 2021
* All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Presenter: Maria Molina | January 15 2021 - 01:10
- Session: Keynote Speaker 14 11th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python - General Talks in the 11th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python - Core Science Keynote
- Abstract: 14.1 - How Python and Machine Learning Enable Advances in Earth Science (Core Science Keynote)
- Presenter: Maria Molina | January 15 2021 - 01:55
- Session: Session 14 20th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science - AI in Radar Observations, Analysis, and Applications; Physical Interpretability in Machine Learning
- Abstract: 14.10 - Interpretability Challenges with a Convolutional Neural Network Used for a Climate Study
- Presenter: Andy Wood | January 15 2021 * Poster
- Session: Poster 5C 35th Conference on Hydrology - 35HYDRO Fri - Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis (Joint with the AMS Committee on Probability and Statistics)
- Abstract: 950 - A new ensemble-based hydrometeorological modeling resource for US water applications