Earth System Modeling
The Earth System Modeling (ESM) Program supports the development of innovative Earth system modeling capabilities, with the ultimate goal of providing accurate and computationally advanced representations of the fully coupled and integrated Earth system, as needed for energy and related sectoral infrastructure planning. Key examples of critical information for energy include accurate projections of water availability, drought incidence and persistence, temperature extremes including prolonged heat stress, probability of storms, opening of the Arctic Ocean, and sea level and storm-surge at coastal regions. In order to provide this information, considerable effort is needed to develop optimal-fidelity climate and Earth system simulations, with suitably-accurate representation of atmospheric dynamics, clouds and chemistry, ocean circulation and biogeochemistry, land biogeochemistry and hydrology, sea-ice and dynamic land-ice, and in each case including elements of human activities that affect these systems such as water management and land-use.
Current Earth System Projects
- MARBL: Marine Biogeochemistry Library , Matthew Long
- Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction from Meso- to Planetary-Scale: Mechanisms, Parameterization, and Variability, Justin Small
- Chemistry in CESM-SE: Evaluation, Performance, and Optimization, Jean-Francois Lamarque
- Improving the Representation of Coastal and Estuarine Processes in Earth System Models, Frank Bryan
- Physics and Dynamics Coupling Across Scales in the Next Generation CESM: Meeting the Challenge of High Resolution, Julio Bacmeister
- Modeling Long-Term Changes in Climate, Ice Sheets and Sea Level: Using the Paleo Record to Understand Possibilities for the Future, Bette Otto-Bliesner
Current Regional & Global Climate Modeling Projects
- DOE/UCAR Cooperative Agreement for the Regional and Global Climate Modeling Program, Gerald Meehl
- Regional Projections of Climate at Decadal Time Scales: High-Resolution Global Predictions and Regionally Resolved Source-Response Studies, Joe Tribbia
- Predictability and Impacts of Intrinsic Decadal Basin Modes in a Warming Climate, Grant Branstator
- Detection and Attribution: New Frontiers and Applications, Claudia Tebaldi
- An Interactive Multi-Model Consensus on Climate Change, Joe Tribbia
- Cooperative Agreement for the Climate Change Prediction Program, Warren Washington
- Sensitivity of atmospheric parametric formulations to regional mesh refinement in global climate simulations using CESM-HOMME, Rich Neale
- Closing the Oceanic Branch of the Hydrological and Carbon Cycles and Sea Level Budget in the Community Earth System Model, Gokhan Danabasoglu
- Collaborative Research to Narrow Uncertainties in Precipitation and the Hydrological Cycle in Climate Models , Kevin Trenberth