Acronym Generator
Enter some words to include in the acronym.
The acronym generator will give you a list of possible English acronyms.
Each acronym uses one word from each line.
If you have optional words, or optional sets of words, start the line
with a '?'.
global international worldwide
? center organization institute
? for
? and
? of
? the
- The acronym must contain 'sustainability'
- The acronym must contain exactly one of 'global', 'international',
or 'worldwide'
- The acronym must contain 'environment'
- The acronym may contain one of 'center', 'organization' or
'institute' (but not more than one)
- The acronym may contain 'for'
- The acronym may contain 'and'
- The acronym may contain 'of'
- The acronym may contain 'the'
- The acronym may contain at most 3 optional words (unless this
default value is changed)
- Include synonyms on a single line. Then the acronym must include
exactly one of the synonyms
- Include optional connectors such as 'for', 'the', 'of', 'and'.
This gives the acronym generator more options. In fact, the acronym
generator may not work without these optional words, since it only
uses the words you give it to make the acronym (e.g., if all the words
you give it start with consonants, it will have a hard time coming up
with an acronym for you). Include each of these
optional connectors on its own line, with a question mark at the beginning of the
- If you have many required words, or a large maximum number of
optional words, the acronym generator will take a LONG time. I
recommend allowing no more than 7 or 8 letter acronyms.
Questions or comments? Please contact Bill: sacks