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CGD/IS Help Files

05.01.01 - Using FTP

Getting started with FTP on CGD systems

The first thing you will need to do is request an FTP directory from CGD/IS.
Send an email to:

Once the directory is created, you can access it from any linux workstation by cd'ing to /ftp.
$ cd /ftp/pub/<username>

On MS Windows, click on All Programs, and in the search bar, type:

On a Mac, type "⌘+k" to open a search box and type in:
When prompted for a password, use your CIT Windows Domain password.

Once you have access to the directory, simply copy over the files you want to share.
Outside users can access the directory either through the web or via an FTP client.
From the web, simply point them to:
* Most modern browsers have no FTP support via the browser and will need to use a FTP client instead

From there they can click on the file(s) to download them.

There are also any number of FTP/SFTP clients that can be used to connect, such as
WinSCP, FileZilla, FuGu, CyberDuck, etc.
Using any of these clients will require the remote user to authenticate,
so use the following to configure your client:

Username:  anonymous
Password:   my_email_address@my_institution

Once logged in, cd to the /pub/<username> directory to download files.

FTP Etiquette

FTP storage is limited, so don't try to put too much data there at once.
You can use "df1 -h" on the linux systems to see how much disk space is available.
Likewise, once you've distributed your files, please remove them from the server
to make space available for other users.

If you don't clean up your files, they will nevertheless be removed after 30 days, please see

FTP Scrubbing

For a list of all CGD/IS documentation, see:

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