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CGD/IS Help Files
02.11.02 - Compute Servers
CGD/IS maintains a group of general use Linux compute servers that have large
memory (96 GB+) and a modest number of processors (16). These are intended for
single threaded jobs requiring lots of memory (think NCL, IDL, MatLab, etc).
As of February, 2018, these systems are:
- andre.cgd.ucar.edu
- burnt.cgd.ucar.edu
- thorodin.cgd.ucar.edu
- tungsten.cgd.ucar.edu
Hardware specs for each one can be found by logging into the server and looking
at the login banner or by cat'ing /etc/motd.
Overall usage (i.e., "Which server isn't busy?") can be found on the performance
monitor SARGE
Special case servers may also be available for events such as colloquiums, tutorials,
or short term dedicated processing.
For a list of all CGD/IS documentation, see:
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