Construction in Center Green 2 Machine Room

Summer 2003

For a commentated tour of this nightmarish summer, visit the CG2 Construction Page!

CG2 Flood

On August 8, 2003, CGD's Machine Room was flooded from above when the construction crew left large holes on the roof covered only with sheets of plastic. A hail storm destroyed the plastic, causing water to flood the whole building. CGD's Machine Room was on the 2nd of 3 floors. When ISG head Mark Moore arrived Friday night after being called by NCAR Security, he found waterfalls flowing over CGD's servers. Miraculously, our servers suffered no immediately apparent damage that night, despite an ungraceful poweroff (Mark pulled the plugs once he saw the waterfalls flowing over the equipment.)

Drywall Dust Contamination

CGD's computers were located in a construction zone for most of the Summer of 2003. In addition to the damage caused by the flood, CGD's servers were abused by a thick covering of drywall dust. The construction crew did an inadequate job of protecting this sensitive electronic equipment. Miraculously, the servers did not suffer any immediate damage from this dust. They were cleaned before they were relocated to their permanent home at the Mesa.

Raising the Floor

UCAR Facilities made us move our servers from one side of the room to the other in order to raise the floor. The plastic sheeting was supposed to help protect the sytems from the metal shavings, etc, created in this part of the construction project. It helped a little.