Dataset name: Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) v1.2 Variable names: SOC (Soil Organic Carbon) Reference of original data: Panagos P., Van Liedekerke M., Jones A., Montanarella L. European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements. Land Use Policy, 29 (2), pp. 329-338, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.07.003, ISSN: 02648377, 2012. As modified by Todd-Brown et al. (2013), here is the reference: Todd-Brown, T.E.O, J.T. Randerson, W. M. Post, F.M. Hoffman, C. Tarnocai, E.A.G. Schuur, and S.D. Allison, Causes of variation in soil carbon simulations from CMIP5 Earth system models and comparison with observations. Biogeosciences, 10, 1717-1736, 2013. Downloaded site: Todd-Brown's personal communication Downloaded Date: Mar. 5, 2014 Downloaded by: Mingquan Mu Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine Name and version of original source: HWSD Start date: annual End date: annual Temporal resolution: yearly Spatial resolution: 0.5x0.5 degree Unit: Kg C /m2 Data format: netCDF